69. Our little secret

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Dedicated to: DanielleJackson379 for the idea

It was three weeks before the opening night of West Side Story, and Rachel was playing her dream role Maria. The only only problem was she was a virgin, and she wanted to portray the character perfectly like she always does with each character she portrays. When Artie asked, she answered honestly and he told her that she and Blaine who was portraying Tony, that they needed to lose their virginity.

Rachel always thought of Finn, but when he found out why, he was angry and upset, which made her leave. As she left, Rachel drove to the Lima Bean, thinking this would be the only character she can't portray perfectly, like she wanted to. As she reached the Lima Bean, she walked in and ordered her coffee but before she could pay she heard

"Allow me pretty girl." Rachel knew who the voice belonged to, she looked next to her as she saw his navy blue blazer reach forward. She was surprised that Sebastian acknowledged her and was even more surprised that he brought her coffee. Once she received her drink, she walked over and sat down at a table. As she sat down, she thought of how stupid she had been to think she could portray Maria. While deep her thoughts she didn't notice that Sebastian had sat across from her. Sebastian will admit to himself he found Rachel admiring, and very beautiful. Sebastian was concerned for the girl, and he said

"Why so down Broadway, you should be happy, you are the newest Maria. Not that I had any doubts." At those words, Rachel looked up and saw that Sebastian had sat across from her, Rachel sighed and said

"Don't worry about it Sebastian, it's nothing and it doesn't concern you." Sebastian wasn't that convinced with Rachel's answer, he looked at her said

"As one of your biggest competitors, I know something is wrong, so tell me what's wrong." Rachel looked at Sebastian and saw that he was being serious. Rachel put her drink on the table and said

"I need to play Maria perfectly, but I can't." Sebastian was even more worried, because the whole time he has known Rachel, she has portrayed many of the characters perfectly, and to hear her say that she couldn't even portray Maria perfectly, he knew something was wrong. Sebastian reached over, took her hand in his and said

"Why can't you. You always do portray every character perfectly why should Maria be any different?" Rachel was surprised with what Sebastian had said, and she said

"Because I need to lose my virginity to portray her perfectly." At those Sebastian was shocked, he then leaned over and whispered against her lips

"You know I could help with that." Rachel then done something she knew she shouldn't have done and would regret, Rachel had kissed him. As she kissed him, it was unlike any other kiss she experienced. When they pulled apart, Sebastian whispered

"My dorm?" Rachel forgetting about Finn, looked at Sebastian and said

"Lead the way." Sebastian then lead Rachel out the lima Bean, and drove her car back to dalton. When they arrived, Sebastian took Rachel's hand, and lead her through the school to his dorm, when they entered his dorm, Sebastian had pinned Rachel against him and his door, and kissed her. He then lead her to his bed while stripping them both of their clothes. Sebastian reluctantly pulled apart the kiss and said

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rachel looked at Sebastian and he gave her a look that she has never seen before, she knew she should have said no, but she didn't, Rachel kissed him and said

"I'm sure Sebastian, be gentle." Sebastian smiled at her, kissed her and said

"Anything for you pretty girl." Sebastian then proceeded to make love to Rachel three times.

That was three weeks ago, Rachel smiled as she thought of that night with Sebastian Smythe even if she did cheat in Finn with him and she wasn't ever going to tell him or anyone about that night, she applied her makeup as she thought of that night, and how gentle he was all three times while she was backstage preparing for Maria. As she put her costume on, she all of a sudden felt sick. She rushed to the bathroom and threw up. Once she was finished, she rinsed our her mouth, and thought that it must be nerves. She quickly rushed back to where everyone was.

Rachel was able to play Maria perfectly. After the performance, she felt sick once more, when finished throwing up in the bathroom stall, she walked backstage and she saw Finn with his tongue down Quinn's throat, when she saw that, she at all didn't feel guilty for cheating on him with Sebastian. She walked past them, while breaking up with Finn in the process. Once she reached the dressing room, she saw Sebastian waiting outside for her.

It was then she realised. That they didn't use protection, she started to panic as she knew that could have been the reason she has been feeling sick. She quickly walked over to him, pulled him into the dressing him and said

"Sebastian, I think I'm." Before she could finish Sebastian was shocked, and he said

"We didn't use protection." Sebastian instantly felt guilty that he could have ruined her life, her Broadway career. And before he could apologise, he felt lips on his, and he kissed her, and when they pulled apart Rachel said

"If I am pregnant, I love you, I guess i only realised it when we did that three weeks ago." At those words it was music to Sebastian's ears. Sebastian then kissed her, and then one thing lead to another. As the cuddled in the dressing room after they changed into their clothes, Sebastian lightly stroked Rachel's stomach and said

"We should see if you are" Rachel agreed, and they then walked out McKinley and drove to the clinic where they were told that Rachel was indeed 3 weeks pregnant. Sebastian held Rachel in his arms, and lightly stroking her stomach with his thumb, that night in his dorm and said

"I love you." Rachel kissed him and told him that she loved him too and said,

"I thought of a boy name". Sebastian was amused at his girlfriend, kissed her temple and said

"Already, and what name have you thought of?" Rachel sighed contently as he started playing with her hair and said

"Skylar." Sebastian loved the name and said

"I love it Pretty Girl."

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