Surprising my angel

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I always thinking if I will follow tzuyu at Taiwan, because I'm so bored to our dorm and we all just have a rest first, and tomorrow we still have a schedule, tzuyu already arrive at Taiwan and she call me just earlier to say those to me..

Last night we just met, but I miss her again, I miss her so bad..

What if I will visit her? Then I will do my work home, right?

I immediately get out from my room to go at namjoon hyung studio room, then I just knock first and open it then jimin, Jin and namjoon hyung was here..

"Oh Taehyung, why?" Jin hyung said then I close the door now and seat beside of namjoon hyung who is fixing his toys..

"Hyung I have a request, a big request" I said while looking at him..

"Ok, what kind of big request is that huh?" He said while looking at his fixing toys..

"I want to go in Taiwan" I said..

That made the three Look at me..

"Yah Taehyung you know that we have a hectic schedules and busy schedules" jimin said...

"Yeah I know and I can work it at home, please hyung let me go to Taiwan please" I said in pleading way..

"You want to visit tzuyu, right?" He said..

Then I nodded..

"Hayst for sure you won't stop pleading on me when it comes to your girlfriend..ok I will call your manager that will go with you" he said that made my eyes widen and  immediately stand up and hug hyung..

"Thank you so much hyung" I said while smiling widely..

Then I broke the hug now..

"Hyung can I go to twice dorm?" Jimin plead to namjoon hyung..

"No" namjoon hyung said that made him pout cutely, because he wants to see dahyun..


I already here at the plane, wearing my black cap, white mask, leather jacket, pants jeans, and white shirt inside that tzuyu gift to me when twice go at Hawaii

My manager was beside me and sleeping while I just look at my phone, tzuyu is my home screen that always make me smile..

I'm gonna see you my angel..


I call Tzuyu's mom that I already inside of the car, but still not moving because I told to it to driver and my manager was beside the driver....

Then finally her mom answer it..

"Eomma?" I said, I calling her eomma because it's what she want..

"Oh Taehyung, why?"

"Eomma, is tzuyu beside you?" I ask..

"Oh she go to her uncle restaurant to brought something but she will come home after it, why?"

"Eomma don't tell to Tzuyu, that im here at Taiwan, I will surprise her" I said while smiling and looking outside..

"Oh my, really? Where are you now? Then you call me since last night that we prepare some foods for you" she said for sure she is smiling widely right now..

"It's ok eomma, I'm with my manager, and eomma don't tell to Tzuyu that I will surprise her" I said while smiling.

"Ok ok, take care Taehyung" she said..

"Yes eomma"

"Eomma! I got home now!" I heard tzuyu voice from far..

"Oh she already here, I will end the call now" she said

"Ok eomma, I'm coming"

Then hung up the call now..

"Let's go"


We finally reach the outside of their house and we just park the car away from the house, that no one will see me..

Then my manager told me that wear my mask and cap and I just obey him, i start to wear those..

Then I just grab my bag pack and I bids my goodbye to my manager, they will stay in hotel first and I will just call them if we going home now, but looks like I will stay with tzuyu until she get back in Korea..

Then I immediately go to the house and doorbell at the gate, then someone open it and it's her mom and she let me in now and immediately close the gate..

"Hayst I really miss you Taehyung" her mom said and we both just hug each other and broke it..

"Me too eomma, where's tzuyu?" I ask while removing my mask..

"Oh she is showering and the lunch was already prepared" she said and she guide me now inside and we both start to walk, and I put my bag at the couch..then I just Remove my cap and fix my hair and I just hold my cap..

Then we both just talking and talking about my work in Korea, she said that Tzuyu's dad was still at their company busy and she also said that she told to her husband that I'm here..

"Eomma~" I heard tzuyu voice from upstairs, then we both just look at her, who is walking downstairs..

Then she look up and her eyes widen when she saw me and she just stop on her track when she saw me..

"O-oppa?" She said..

Then I just smile


Then her mom stand up and I also stand up and she just go beside her and hold her arm..

"Taehyung call me sweetie earlier that he wants to visit you and no need to worry that his manager was with him" her mom said towards on her..

Then she look at me..

"Mom can I talk to him privately?" She said..

Looks like I'm dead..

Then her mom nodded and leave us alone here and go upstairs..

"Oppa we already talk right? That you won't follow me here because of your hectic schedules in Korea right now, but you disobey me" she said that her arms was cross..

"Mianhe tzuyu-ah.. namjoon hyung allow me, and I also brought my manager, I even can work at home right?" I said..

"Aishh" she said in annoyance and I just Chuckle and walk towards on her and hug her..

"Is it not good that I'm here? Do you really not miss me, yeobo?" I said, I really love Calling her yeobo because it's really suite on her..

"Oppa, of course I miss you, we can contact each other" she said..

"But it's still different from that I can touch you and hug you like this..I only see your smile and I only can hear your voice" I said and broke the hug..

"Hayst ok ok, so since you will stay here?" She said while looking at me and I just smile.

"I will get back when you going back to Korea" I said that made her eyes widen..

Then she slap my shoulder again and I just Chuckle..

"If I doesn't love you, I already kick your ass to get back in Korea" she said and walk towards to the kitchen..

Then I just follow her and we both seat at the chair..

"Do you already eat before going here?" She said..

"I didn't eat in dorm, I just eat sandwich in plane, because I'm excitement" I said while looking at her..

"Aish such a bad know you are older than me but you act like younger than me, you know that?" She said..

"I know, but you love the childish Taehyung" I said and wink on her and she just Chuckle..

~ the end ~

NAYKOOK, DAHMIN, & TAETZU 1️⃣🥃 one shot [ Book 2 ]Where stories live. Discover now