Daesang Party

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I'm busy at my phone right now while my members already wearing their dress for our red carpet, I'm chatting with Jennie right now and we just talking about something because she is bored, and its been so long time since I have a conversation with her, we stop our communication when she date Kai, that time may Boyfriend was Sehun and we just forgot each other that time..and we looks like lost each other..

But now we both was ok now and she share to me the reason why Kai and her broke up because of her toxic fans and Kai fans who doesn't want them to be a couple and they both can't hold the Bash and hates that will affect their career that's why they choose to broke up, and I'm sad for them..

But my relationship with Sehun, it's just take a 3 months and we end up it too because of misunderstanding and we can't handle our relationship in nice way that time and we always arguing...

But now, I'm happy that I met the right guy for me, but he was younger than me.. two years of age is our gap..

But he is more acting older than me and loves calling me and texting me if I already eat and if i want to see him, and of course I always say the truth..

But now, they are busy at their room that beside us, preparing for red carpet in Golden Disc Award 2021 day 2

We didn't attend the day 1 because of something meeting and we just attend this day for our performance and for the award..

Until dahyun seat beside me and hug me from the side..

Looks like she wants something..

Then I put down my phone and look at her who is pouting..

"You hug me like this and for sure you want something, what is it?" I ask while smirking..

Then she look at me with her puppy eyes..

"I ask Jihyo unnie if I can go at the next room, you know what I mean, but jihyo unnie didn't allow me" dahyun said while pouting..

"Then why you want to visit your Boyfriend if he already text you before we reach here huh?" I said..

"Unnie, it's still not enough..I want to see him, for sure you want to see your Boyfriend too because it's been so long since we didn't saw them" dahyun said, well she is right, since our group seperate there's no meeting up each other anymore..

"Dahyun-ah..you know that you can't go there, first reason there's a lot of sasaengs around this venue for sure, second reason they are busy preparing and third if I will allow you, do you think our managers will allow you?" I said and she shake her head..

"Then, you need to listen..you will see him in backstage later, ok?" I said while caressing her Beautiful black hair..

Then she nodded and I just smile..

*After 20 minutes*

our managers start to tell us that we need to go at the backstage now for the red carpet and we all just wear our white mask and we start to stand up while I'm with dahyun..my one hand was at her back and we our staff start to open the door for us and we all start to get out and we saw at the hallway, the one and only


Then we just bow at them and I look at him and we both just smile and same as the others and I look at dahyun to sign her and she nod and we start to walk towards at the backstage....

*Time skip*

There's a lot of groups was already showing in the red carpet and having a question and answer at the red carpet..

NAYKOOK, DAHMIN, & TAETZU 1️⃣🥃 one shot [ Book 2 ]Where stories live. Discover now