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I heard that dahyun and jimin was not ok because jimin forgot their monthsary and until now dahyun didn't take the call and text of jimin..

Well let's change the topic, it's my day! It's my birthday and many once was wishing happy birthday to me and it's really made me happy..

They even trend "blackswanminaday" they really make my whole day better..thank you so much once!

I also received some texts and calls from my friends in Japan and my friends here at Korea Specially the idols who become my close friends too.

Even Lisa wish me happy birthday and I also text back with thank you and with I miss you of course, before we really loves hanging out together but now, our both groups was busy at work and many things that is important to us..

My boyfriend already wish me for my birthday by chatting me even he is busy right now..

I'm busy taking my coffee when my phone vibrate then I start to seat at the chair and look what kind of notif is that..

And it's from my friend jimin..

From Jimin:

Hey Mina! Happy birthday! Wish you all the best! And always be strong and healthy that you can perform with other members ok?"

I can't help but to Chuckle at his message then I put down my coffee first and send a text on him....

To jimin:

Thanks small! And you also need to fix your mess to dahyun, she still mad at you and you didn't do some moves that she can forgive you, you idiot

Then he immediately reply

From Jimin:

I keep texting her and calling her but she didn't answer and I know the time when I texting her or Calling her is she is not busy and she just keep ignoring me, Mina help me

To jimin:

You are the one who gonna fix your mess jimin and not me, dahyun will get more mad if she knows that you wants some help from me..

Then jimin call and I just answered it and I heard a car engine for sure they going at work now..

"Hayst what I gonna do? I really keep blaming myself because I forgot my monthsary with her"

Jimin said and he sound so worried..

"Just be yourself and give something on her that make her happy" I said and I want to continue to say something when I heard someone call me and I look who is it and it's dahyun who is walking towards here....

"Happy birthday unnie" dahyun said and take a video of us while she playing at my hand and she said happy birthday again, for sure she gonna post it at the Instagram..

"By the way unnie, who is it at the caller of yours?" Dahyun ask..

"Tell me it's me mina-yah"

"This call is really for you dahyun-ah, don't hung it up or else I wont give you a chocolate" I said and she start to grab the phone and listen to who is talking at the phone....

Then she look at me and I just smile..

"Promise?" Dahyun said..

"Ok, I will finish my work and I will go there later"

"Yeah yeah I know, you sounds going to cry"

Then she Chuckle..

"See? Taehyung oppa is right, you acting childish"

NAYKOOK, DAHMIN, & TAETZU 1️⃣🥃 one shot [ Book 2 ]Where stories live. Discover now