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Im so happy right now because my lesbian bestie is invite me for a dinner on a restaurant because he something to tell me, this is it..he also admit to me that he will change and like me too, and we going had a relationship, that's why I wear a beautiful dress right now..

While I grab a taxi and get inside on it, and tell the destination that I need to go, I only living on a condo because I don't want to go home to our own house, they always controlling my life, I don't want they doing that kind to me..so I decided to leave their..

I already reach, while I get inside to this fancy restaurant, and ask a waitress here to where park jimin reservation, then she just say that follow her, I just nod then smile Beautifully, while I just follow her while I just looking down...

Waitress: you may seat here now ma'am

I just nod and seat on the chair, then

Me: uhmm miss..is the jimin is already here?

Waitress: yes ma'am but he do a restroom first..

Me: thank you..

Then she bow and walk away now here, while I look around and fix my self.. until I saw him now, I just smile, while he seat on the chair..while he smile on me too, he looks handsome to his clothes now, also on his hair too..

We start eating now while we also talking about our course going to take next year..until a familiar guy interupt us..

Jimin: by the way dub, this is hanbin..I think you remember him right?

Me: y-yeah..

Hanbin is the one had a rumor that Secretly likes me, and he also confess on me before and I just ignore it because jimin is the one I like, is this what he going to tell me? He going to give me to him? While he seat Besides of jimin..

Jimin: hey dub, talk to him..

Me: o-ok..

Then hanbin start the conversation of us, while I just smile awkwardly on him, while this idiot is just smiling on us, but I'm hurt because it's the thing that his surprise to me..that I didn't want to happen...

We already outside of the restaurant, while hanbin suddenly kiss my cheeks that made me shock but I didn't show it, then he say good-bye and good night to me, then he lastly smile and get inside on his car and lastly wave on us and drive away now with a smile, yuck! Why he did that! Ugh! That's why I don't like him! Ugh!

Jimin: hey you ok dub?

Then I just glare on him..and cross arm..

Me: why you brought that flirt on our dinner?

Jimin: ok I'm right you will be mad to me, he plead to me that he wants to meet you, so I did that..you know dub you need a boyfriend now..my gosh..

Me: aiish.. let's just go home, I want to rest after this stress night..ugh!

I walk away from him, while I hear his Chuckle..


He give me a invitation for his party on his house, so I just go there for his happiness and for me too, I want to see him too you know, for sure our friends is also there and Specially his boyfies..

I just wear a jeans and a shirt with my sling bag, I finally reach his home, and I already hear a loud sounds inside..aiish this gay..

I get inside on his house and finally I saw what happening inside, have a lot of people inside doing a party.. it's so loud that's why I get inside and close the door, and find out friends here, then finally I saw them on the couch with there boyfriends...

NAYKOOK, DAHMIN, & TAETZU 1️⃣🥃 one shot [ Book 2 ]Where stories live. Discover now