The Confession

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I'm so excited right now because I'm going to meet her, namjoon hyung already give a permission to me, they also so happy for me, Because I already can confess on her, it's so long time since I felt shy to confess on her..but now..I already ready for it..

I wear a pretty clothes, we going to had a dinner together on the private restaurant that I told to my manager to reserve..

I almost done, only one I need to wear is my shoes, I already holding my cap and also my mask..until i hear Jin hyung calling me from outside, for sure they signing me to get out now because I'm so late...yah! I'm late! Stupid!

I immediately get out on my room and immediately go downstairs..while the car is already prepared outside, I just say goodbye to my members and get inside to car, while my manager is with me and we have a driver..


We finally reach that, I immediately wear my mask and my cap and walk towards on the restaurant with my manager..

I found her seating on the chair sipping her coffee, I just breath out and told to my manager to wait me on the car, he obey me and walk away now..I just walk towards on her and seat on the chair infront of her..she stop sipping her coffee when she already saw me, she smile and me too, it's been a long time we didn't meet each this is my chance to confess it to her..

We already order the food we gonna eat, while I can't stop asking her about there latest comeback and she answered it..Even her voice is really angelic my ideal type..All her personality is really suit for my ideal type..she also making me so happy.. that's why I totally like her since before..

We already done eating while only cup of coffee on us, while I just sip my coffee, you can do it jimin, you can do it!

Me: uhmm dahyun..

She hummed while she sip her coffee..

Me: what if someone confess on you, what you gonna do?

Dahyun: uhmm why you suddenly ask? Oh I forgot, what you going to tell me? It's already late I need to go home now

Me: uhmm it's been a long time we didn't saw each other, and it's long time since I keep and hide this from you....(I look up to her) I like you dahyun..

That made her stop from sipping from her coffee, and I saw that she gulp and put down her cup of coffee on the table..

Dahyun: uhmmm i-i'm sorry..I already dating s-someone..

That made me stunned on my seat after what i hear from her..until she stand up and bow on me and walk away from me, while I hold her wrist to stop her while I still didn't turn around..

Me: c-can y-you give me a chance?

Until I felt that she remove her wrist on my hand and apologize to me and totally walk away from me, and leave me dumbfounded..until a tear one by one fall..I'm so stupid that I let her date someone, I'm so late..I wipe my tears and wear my cap and mask, and get up on the chair..I just the payment on the table and walk away from the restaurant..

Manager: ohh jimin, I saw dahyun

Me: let's go home now, I want to rest..

He confuse and open the door for me, I just get inside and he get inside on the front seat, the driver start his engine..while I laid my back on the seat and I laid my head too..and close my eyes to let this tears fall after what I heard..

We finally reach our house, I just get outside and remove my mask and my cap, when I get inside, I saw my members with smile on there faces..

Jin: so how?

NAYKOOK, DAHMIN, & TAETZU 1️⃣🥃 one shot [ Book 2 ]Where stories live. Discover now