Chapter 6: You Can Fight Air, Now Fight Me

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I wake up after a restless night. Most nights are restless for me. I can't remember the last time I got a good sleep without the nightmares. They are not always the same, they vary during the week, but they are always terrifying and they are always waking me up during the night.

It's only 6am and even though I don't have training sessions until 8am I decide to get up.

I walk to my bathroom and put on the water in my shower. As I wait for the water to get warm I observe myself in the mirror.

For so long I was this skinny, small kid so it can still be disorienting when I see myself in the mirror. I don't feel like the 6'2 muscly hero standing before me.

I still feel like the kid from Brooklyn who couldn't get into the army even after faking my papers several times.

Whenever I start thinking back I always think of Bucky. I miss him a lot.

I wish he would stay here longer - since saving him from HYDRA he has been back and we have had a good relationship. But then he would go on missions and he would leave, and if he had been on any work relating to HYDRA our relationship would always be strained when he came back.

Despite everything they have done for him in Wakanda he always needed to go back. At this point he has been back there for a while.. it's been several months since I have seen him.

I wish things hadn't gone the way they did. Sometimes I think maybe I should have just died in the ice back then because everything has seemed to get more complicated every day since I came back.

I walk into the shower and the water is hot on my skin.

As I wash myself I instinctively think of last night with Madeline. I can't put words to it or explain it. It's just this feeling inside. All I know is the feeling in my gut, telling me to stay close. Telling me that she is important. Telling me to not let her slip away.

As I think of her lips on mine I instantly go hard. I need to get this under control if we're gonna work together. No woman has ever affected me physically this way before, not even Peggy.

Once I finish my shower I walk back into my bedroom and put on my training gear. I never use the suit unless its for a mission so I put on grey sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Madeline will mainly be the one doing the hard work today, I am there to coach.

As I'm thinking about her again I start to wonder what she will look like and how she will be and my manhood stirs again. I really need to get myself under control.. but I also can't wait to see her at the training center later.

I go to the kitchen half hoping that she will be there when I do, but she is not. It might be too early for her.

After breakfast I go down to the training center myself to get my own training in - being Captain America is not enough - you still need to train. I let my mind wander as I hit the boxing sack over and over until it falls off it's chains.

As I go to gather a new one I hear a voice behind me.

"I think you have some anger issues you need to work on, Cap."

I turn around to see Madeline at the entrance of the gym. She is wearing leggings and a tight shirt and its impossible for my thoughts to not be affected. The entire thing hugs her curves perfectly and for a second all I think about is grabbing her and lifting her up, her legs wrapping around my hips as I kiss her.. I quickly recover myself and walk towards her.

With a smirk on my face I say, "Madeline. Thank you for finally showing up".

The training session goes as predicted. I have her doing some warm up exercises and I focus a lot on cardio as I have been told she needs to work on her stamina.

Once she is done we get to the martial arts part and I show her some moves.

She does them flawlessly which makes me realize I need to step my game up.

I go to stand in front of her and show a sequence of moves and I can see she is having trouble with it at first. Mainly her stance gives her trouble.

I walk behind her and lean in close as I grab her waist from behind to position her correctly. As I touch her hips I feel her body tense underneath my grip. I feel her ass brush against me and it's making me instantly hard. I scoot my crotch away from her a bit to avoid any distractions.

She does the sequence a few times and once she finally has it, I tell her "Alright, you can fight air. Now fight me."

She smirks at me and puts up her hands and as she does, sparks come out of her fingers.

"Hey hey, no powers doll! This is supposed to be a fair fight!" I say to her as I watch her.

She puts her hands down in frustration and says, "If I don't have my powers I won't stand a chance against you, you know that!"

I chuckle a bit and say "I'll go easy on you, just give it a shot. You won't know until you try."

She smirks and attacks me in the sequence I just taught her.

She is fast and strong as she hits me and I end up on the floor with her on top of me.

I chuckle as I land on the floor, hard.

"Ouch. That was good. Well done."

As she sits on top of me I try to position her so she is mainly on my torso. I feel myself hardening by her closeness and I don't need her to notice my growing bulge.

She smirks at me once again and then says in a smug voice "Did I just win in a fight against Captain America?"

I laugh, "Yes you did but don't forget, I was going easy on you."

We lock eyes for a second and she leans in close.

She whispers in my ear, "Just admit that you have succumbed to my charms, Captain."

As she calls me Captain I feel my dick get even harder because it turns me on more than I thought it would. I am so used to being called Captain but for some reason, the way she says it is sexy and seductive and it makes my entire body tingle. I look up at her and her expression is hard to read.

I finally manage to reply "Yeah right. I could get you if I wanted to."

She raises an eyebrow at me, "Oh really? How?"

I smirk and say "Like this" before I start tickling her sides.

As I do she instinctively moves backwards and I feel her on my crotch immediately. I freeze. There's no way she's not feeling it.

As she realizes I see the expression on her face but I don't know how to read it. Did I just fuck up?

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now