Chapter 191: Ready to Try

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We're all having dinner around the table after a calm day of relaxing and just being around each other. 

Being at the farmhouse with everyone is making me miss living at the compound. Lazy Sundays where we would just be around each other, watch movies or play games, or the days where everyone would be there and we would have family dinner. 

But although this feels nice and familiar, people are missing. I'm missing part of my family and it's still heartbreaking whenever someone says something funny and I don't have the people I would normally giggle with. 

With every story Tony tells about Morgan, or every joke Clint makes, my eyes instantly search for her. And I always feel that pit in my stomach once I realize she's not there, sitting next to Bruce as I would expect. 

I miss Wanda too. I don't know where she went, I just know she had some stuff to deal with. I wish she would have stayed and talked to me, told me about her feelings, but I think part of her resents me for everything that's happened. 

I don't blame her, I resent me too. I know I could have done more and I wish I had been able to, back then. It's a burden I will always bear. 

I pick at my food a little when the thoughts brings down my mood, my eyes locked on the piece of broccoli I'm moving around my plate with my fork. 

When I feel a warm hand land on my thigh, a thumb rubbing my skin soothingly, I glance up at Steve. 

"You okay?" He whispers and I nod slowly, shrugging my shoulders slightly as I whisper back, "Yeah, I just miss them. Miss her.." 

"I miss her too," he says lowly, leaning in to place a kiss on my temple. "It doesn't feel right without her," he whispers before he pulls away. 

"No, it doesn't," I reply with a sad smile before turning back to my plate, "It should have gone differently." 

Steve's hand squeezes my thigh comfortingly as he nods, turning his attention back to Tony at the head of the table as he speaks. 

I glance towards Tony as well, who's sitting with Morgan on his knee as they tell the table about the day she found Peppers helmet in the garage. Morgan excitedly says that she wants her own suit one day, to which Tony laughs and shakes his head. 

I smile fondly as I watch them, the sight making some of the sad feelings fade away. And when I remember what I spoke to Steve about earlier, excitement bubbles in my stomach. 

I reach over to Bucky's lap, where his hand is resting, and take his in mine as I lace our fingers. He turns to look at me with a wide grin on his face, still chuckling at what Morgan is saying, and when he sees the look on my face he leans closer, placing a kiss on my cheek before whispering in my ear, "You okay doll?"

I nod as he pulls back a little, his eyes scanning mine, before I reply, "Yeah, I'm good. Just happy to have you both back."

His thumb gently strokes my knuckles as he replies, "We're happy to be back. Today was a fun day." 

My smile widens, "Yeah, it was. And tonight will be fun too."

He quirks a brow at me, "Oh yeah? What are we doing?" 

"Finish your dinner," I say with a smirk, "And then we'll have a talk just the three of us." 

Bucky furrows his brows shortly, his eyes narrowing slightly before he says, "Okay, whatever you say, doll." 

He chuckles as he grabs his fork with the hand not holding mine, resuming eating as he turns his attention back to Morgan and Tony once again. 


After dinner we all decide to watch a movie together.

I'm sitting squished between Steve and Bucky, who each has a hand on my in some shape or form.

Bucky's hand is on my thigh, his thumb stroking it absentmindedly as he watches the movie, and Steve's fingers are playing with mine, resting in his lap, as he keeps his focus on the screen.

My nerves have been gradually building in anticipation since earlier today and I'm itching to go to bed so I can tell Bucky the news.

I know he's going to lose his mind when I tell him I'm ready to try for a baby and it only makes more excitement run through me when I think about just how much he'll lose his mind.

When the movie finally ends I huff out a breath of air and quickly get up from the couch.

Bucky furrows his brows at me when I stand up and hurriedly say, "Alright, time for bed."

"But Tony was going to put on another-"

"Buck," I quickly interrupt, "It's time for bed."

Bucky's frown deepens and he glances shortly at Steve who just gives him a reassuring nod.

Bucky hesitantly gets up from the couch and says goodnight to the others, Steve and I doing the same.

I grab Bucky by the arm and quickly drag him towards our bedroom.

Once we're inside I close the door behind us, Steve chuckling at my eagerness as Bucky grumbles, "What has gotten into you Madeline?"

I twirl around to face him with a big grin on my face as I say, "I have to tell you something."

"And it couldn't have waited another second?" Bucky huffs out, "I was really excited to watch the other movie and Tony-"

I cut him off again, "James, I'm ready."

Bucky raises his brows in confusion and looks between Steve and I.

"Ready for.. what?"

"I'm ready for.." I say quietly, trailing off as I step closer to him. His breath hitches when my hand slowly slides up his chest and curls behind his neck. I pull him closer until his lips are almost touching mine before I whisper, "Ready to try for a baby.."

Bucky's eyes immediately widens and he quickly glances behind me to look at Steve before his eyes are on mine again.

"Wh-what? What did you just say?"

His voice is nervous, sounding slightly anxious and I smile softly as I cup his cheek with my hand.

"I said, I'm ready to try for a baby. Want to have your baby, James."

Bucky's eyes are searching mine desperately for an intense couple of seconds, most likely expecting me to take it back.

But I don't. Because there is not a single fiber in my being that doubts the decision I've made, the only thing I'm worried about is whether they still want it.

When he doesn't speak for what feels like too long, I'm about to open my mouth to say something, but I never get the chance.

Bucky's lips press against mine with such force and urgency that it knocks the air from my lungs.

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now