Chapter 95: Blue

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After the shower, I start to get ready and Bucky kisses me before leaving my room. 

There are still a few hours until the party and it's easy for him to sneak out during the day like this, since it's in the afternoon. It's much more difficult when he has to sneak out early in the morning. 

As I'm getting ready in the bathroom I hear my bedroom door open. 


"In here Stevie," I reply as I continue putting on make-up. 

He comes to the bathroom and leans against the doorframe, "I haven't seen you all day. Or Bucky. What have you guys been up to?" He smirks at me. 

I grin, "We made up. Again." 

He chuckles, "Good, I'm glad. I told him he was being an idiot and I feel like he finally got it this time."

I smile, "He apologized immediately. So I forgave him. But he also promised to never do it again so I'll be keeping my eye on that." 

Steve laughs and so do I. 

"What did you do while we were being all dramatic and emotional?" I ask him with a smile. 

"Oh, I had lunch. Then I spoke to Sam. He's still looking for the stone, he's hoping that he's close by now." 

"Yeah, it's been a few days.." I say, trailing off. 

Steve nods, "Yeah, they tracked it to several places but every time they get there, it's already gone." 

I hum. 

Steve looks over his shoulder, "What's that box on your bed?" 

I furrow my brows, "What box?" 

He looks back at me, "There's a big box on your bed. You don't know what it is?" 

"Oh, you know what," I say as I remember, "Tony came in earlier and said Pepper had something for me. I completely forgot." 

Steve's eyes widen, "Tony came in? But I thought you said you and Bucky were together?"

"Yeah, but luckily we were in here when he came in. He didn't see or hear him." 

Steve exhales heavily, "Okay, good. Don't really feel like having another dramatic party." 

I chuckle, "Yeah, agreed." 

I go out of the bathroom to look at the box. "It's really big," I say as I look it over.

Steve chuckles, "I've heard that before." 

I look over my shoulder and roll my eyes at him, amused. "Really? Is that like a 'that's what she said'?" 

"Yeah," he says before shrugging, "But in this case it would be more like.. that's what you said." 

I roll my eyes again before turning back to the box on my bed, "You're a comedic genius." 

He laughs, "Thanks, I know."

When I finally open the box I see blue, silky material. I pull at the fabric and quickly realize it's a dress. It's a deep sapphire blue and floor length with a big slit on one side. The neckline is low with ties at the neck, revealing an open back. 

I look it over a little, feeling the soft material in my hands. 

"That's nice," Steve says. I keep my eyes locked on the dress, "Yeah, it is.." 

I hold it up against my body as I turn around, facing Steve, "What do you think?" 

"I think it's going to look even better once it's on you." 

I smile, "Yeah, well, you're going to have to wait for that. I need to do my make-up first."

"Can't wait," he says as he walks to me and gives me a quick kiss, "I'll come get you before the party."

I smile at him with a nod and then he leaves my room.


I finish getting ready and once my make-up and hair are done I go to put on the dress. I decided to put my hair in a long french braid at the back of my head, a decision I made so it would show off the open back of the dress more. 

Once the dress is on I turn to the mirror. The blue material is a beautiful contrast to my fair skin. I normally don't wear a lot of dresses, and definitely not floor-length like this. 

But Pepper got me this to wear tonight, so I hope I won't look overdressed. 

I look down to the long slit in the dress, poking my leg out. This dress might be floor-length and classy, but the slit, open back and neckline makes it sexy. Pepper did well. 

As I'm about to leave I hear a soft knock on my door. I move to open it and on the other side I see not only Steve, but Bucky too. They're both in a tux, Steve in a blue one that matches the color of my dress, and Bucky in a black one. They look absolutely delicious. 

They both widen their eyes at me as they see me, and Bucky's gaze moves from my eyes down my body. 

"You look amazing Doll," he breathes as his eyes land back on mine. 

"Yeah, you do," Steve says, "Told you it would look even better on you." 

I chuckle.

Bucky smirks, "I think it would look better on the floor." 

I laugh and roll my eyes at him, "You're insatiable." 

He shrugs, "Haven't had a complaint so far." This time, it's Steve's turn to roll his eyes. 

I move back a little, signaling for them to come inside and they do. 

Once they're both in my room I turn to Bucky. "I need you on your best behavior tonight." 

He looks at me innocently, "What do you mean?" 

"Buck, you know what I mean. No jealous outbursts. And no riling me up." 

He laughs as he puts his hands up in mock surrender, "Okay, promise. No flirting with other women. I know how jealous you get." 

I smirk, "Yes, I do. And that part goes for the both of you." I look at Steve, "I don't share." 

They both laugh, "Yeah, we know," Steve says with a smile. He chuckles, "But I'll just tell everyone Buck is gay. That'll help." 

I laugh loudly and Bucky narrows his eyes at Steve, "You're hilarious." 

Steve smiles proudly, "I know." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now