Chapter 101: Manhandled

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Once I finally come back to reality I feel a hand softly caressing my back. I move my head to the side and see Steve lying next to me, watching me carefully. 

"Hey," he says gently, "You disappeared for a while there." 

I blink a little, unsure of how long I've been out of it, before replying, "Yeah, I.. Uhm.." 

My mind is still cluttered from the intense orgasm he just gave me. In fact, the entire experience was intense. I feel like my whole body is on fire, sensitive and sore from what just happened. 

He strokes my back gently, his eyes staying locked onto mine, "You okay?" 

I smile at him weakly, the only thing I can muster up right now, "Yeah, I'm good." 

He leans in close and kisses my lips softly, "Sorry for that." 

I chuckle, "Don't be sorry Stevie. That was amazing. Well, as long as you're not truly mad at me, of course." 

He watches my face for a while without replying. I feel myself growing more anxious by every second he stays silent and I move myself up to sit, my head fuzzy, looking at him curiously. 

"What I said was true. It did bother me." 

I bite my lip as the guilt from earlier returns. My heart hurts, thinking about it. 

"Stevie, I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt your feelings." I move closer to him, holding his face in my hands. He's still lying on the bed and I'm sitting above him. I don't even care that I'm completely naked in front of him and he's still in his tux. I need him to know how I feel. 

"I love you," I say as I look into his eyes, "I love you more than anything. You've always been supportive of this whole thing but if that's not what you want anymore, then I... We'll just have to end it." 

He scans my face a little. Sighing, he replies, "No, that's not what I want. I know you two love each other and I see the change in Buck. I could never take that away from him. I just.." he trails off as he looks down, breaking our eye contact. 

I move closer to him, pulling his face back up, his eyes meeting mine again. "You just what?" I ask, tilting my head. 

"I got jealous," he says as he holds my gaze. 

"You've never been jealous of Bucky before," I reply quietly. 

"I know," he says as he sits up and tugs a piece of hair that has loosened from my braid, behind my ear. "And I'm not jealous of you two loving each other. I know you love me too. But I got jealous because.. Well.. You and I haven't been together, just the two us, since he came into the picture. And then you left me. And we took it slow when you came back, which was fine, but then the first one you're with, one on one, is Bucky and it just... It made me doubt." 

I want to cry as I listen to his words, "Oh god, Stevie, I never wanted to make you feel like that. That's not what it was like at all. I love you. You mean everything to me." I feel a tear run down my cheek as I finish my sentence. 

"I know," he says as his thumb brushes the tear off my cheek, "But I guess.. I still need to just be with you. I didn't know we were allowed to do that - we never talked about how this was going to work. But if I can, I still want that. I still want you for myself. I still want you to be just mine, from time to time." 

I smile at him, "Okay, then let's all talk about how this is going to work, tomorrow. Right now is probably not the time." I chuckle a little and he reciprocates, his eyes still searching mine. I lean in and kiss him gently and he pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. 

"I love you," I say as I pull away from him, "Please never forget that." 

"I love you too," he says as he pulls me in for another kiss. 


"I have no idea how I'm supposed to go back out there and pretend like you didn't just completely manhandle me," I say with a chuckle as I look at myself in the mirror. 

My makeup is running, my hair loosened from the braid all over, and although my dress is fine, my entire body is sensitive from what he just did to me. 

Steve smirks, "I'm pretty pleased that you have to go back out there, all sensitive and trembling like Bambi on ice." 

I glare at him, "Okay, first of all, you only know that reference because I showed you the movie! Second of all, that's just mean." 

I gesture towards his handsome stature, completely posed and controlled, like nothing ever happened, "No-one will even know you did this to me, by looking at you. But once they see me, they'll know. Like, just look at this, Steve!" I exclaim as I point to the hickey he planted on my neck, "What made you think this wasn't going to let the entire room know you just fucked me like the world was going to end?"

He laughs, "I never thought that. I did it because that's exactly what I want them to think." 

I narrow my eyes at him, "You're just as bad as Bucky." 

He laughs again, "Maybe I am. If you don't want me to get all possessive, then don't give me a reason to." 

I give him a cheeky smile, "I never said I minded you being possessive." 

He raises an eyebrow and I shake my head lightly with a smile, "But how the hell am I supposed to fix this," I gesture to my face and neck, "to make me look like a normal person again?" 


I manage to make myself look half-decent and to my big relief, once we get back to the common area, the party has died down tremendously. I have no idea of time, of how long Steve and I were gone, but apparently it's been a while. 

As I walk back in I see most people sitting around, talking casually. Steve's hand is in mine and as he feels me about to move towards Nat and Wanda on the couch, he pulls me back to him. 

He looks down at me, moving his hand to my jaw, and says, "I love you. More than anyone I've ever met before. And it's not going away. Ever." 

My heart clenches as he says it and I smile up at him, "Steve Rogers, you are the sweetest and most intimidating man I have ever met. Thank you for always surprising me. Thank you for loving me. I love you so much it hurts." 

He leans down and kisses me, our lips locking deeply. Then he pulls away, "Alright, I'm going to find Thor. I need some real alcohol after what I just did to you." 

I laugh, "You think you need alcohol? Fuck you, Rogers. I need a shot after the shit you just did to me." 

He laughs in response and kisses me again quickly, before moving towards the bar. 

I go to the couch and plop myself down next to Nat and Wanda. 

"How's the party going for you, girls?" I ask as I grab Nat's drink, taking a big sip. 

She eyes me carefully, "It's fine.. And by the way, that's my drink." 

"I don't care," I reply as I take another big gulp. 

She cocks an eyebrow at me, "Where have you been? And is that a fucking hickey on your neck?" 

I down the drink completely and am almost panting as I put down the glass. "I just got thoroughly manhandled in Steve's room. And yes, it is." 

Nat raises her eyebrows in surprise and Wanda furrows her brows at me. 

"Are you alright?" She asks. 

"Yep," I reply, "Just need another drink," and then I reach out to grab her drink as well. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now