Chapter 34: Making Up

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I barely manage to catch Maddie as she drops from the air. 

I watched from the ring as the electricity overtook her entire body, eventually lifting her from the floor, and I ran to her as quickly as I could, worried history would repeat itself. 

Bucky reacted instantly as well, matching my pace. 

As I catch her, her eyes are wild and panicked and she is looking around the room like she doesn't know or understand what just happened. 

I hold her close to my chest as Bucky reaches out with his hand, cupping her cheek. And then I feel her shiver in my embrace. I glance down to look at her and it's not until then that I notice the familiar flush of her cheeks. A flush I've seen many times before.

I look up at Bucky but he doesn't seem to notice her reaction or perhaps he just doesn't know what it means because he's never seen it before. But I have, plenty of times. Interesting. 


After catching Maddie, I have a meeting with Fury and Tony closely after and so I ask Bucky to take her back to her room for me. I don't want her to go back alone just yet, I want to make sure there won't be any scary after effects like last time. And since I can't keep an eye on her, Bucky is the best second option. 

"Is it fine if Bucky follows you back? I really need to go see Fury," I ask her as I cup her cheek with my hand. She looks up at me, biting her lower lip before replying, "Yeah, sure.. Will you come see me after? I need to talk to you.." She glances quickly towards Bucky who is standing to the side with his arms crossed across his chest, waiting, and I nod at her quickly, getting the hint. 

"Yes, sure. I'll come by as soon as I'm done." I kiss her quickly and she moves to Bucky's side as they start to leave the gym. 

I watch them for a second as they walk out, tilting my head slightly. Considering our recent conversation this is definitely a development. I search my feelings, trying to see if the jealousy is there, but surprisingly enough, it isn't. When I think about Thor touching her I feel it instantly, but for some reason this feels different. 

I shower and change quickly at the gym before my meeting.

I take the elevator to the 4th floor and walk to the conference room. Before entering I hear Fury and Tony speak. 

"You need to fix this, Tony. I understand you two might have had some issues but it's time to move past them," Fury says. 

"I know," I hear Tony reply, "I will." 

I walk through the door and they both turn to me. Fury nods at me and Tony offers me a small smile. 

"Captain Rogers, good to see you. We are here to discuss a mission that's coming up in a few days. And apparently we have some other issues we need to address as well." He looks to Tony.

"Yes, well.. I'm sorry Cap. That was out of hand. Please forgive my outburst." Tony says, looking down at the table before meeting my gaze. 

"That's okay Tony. Wasn't expecting it but from what I've gathered, you and Madeline are close so I can understand, to some degree, why you would be protective of her. I am too." 

He smiles softly at me. "She's like a daughter to me. And just to make one thing clear. I apologize for the things I said and how I acted, but if you hurt her I will fight you. Suit and all." 

I chuckle softly, "Wouldn't expect anything else." 

"Good," Fury says, "Now that that's settled, please have a seat. We have received some intel and we are going to have to send a small team out in a few days. Captain Rogers, we wan't you on it along with Wilson, Romanoff and Maximoff." 

I look over the plans for the mission and nod. 

"Okay, tell me what I need to know." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now