Chapter 57: Jealousy

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It's been 3 days since I spent my first night with both Steve and Bucky and I've woken up, wrapped up in their bodies, every morning since. 

Every day we would have to pretend like we didn't all spend the night together and that I didn't wake up wrapped up in their bodies. And every day I would have to pretend that Buck and I are still just friends. That part of it proved to be a challenge, especially for Bucky. 

Steve and I are officially together, everyone knows, which means that we can touch and kiss freely whenever we're around each other. Unfortunately, the same doesn't apply to Bucky. 

The thought never crossed my mind that Bucky was the possessive type and so I never realized just how possessive he would be. Or at least, how possessive he would be of me

In the span of 3 days he got jealous several times and had to restrain himself in order to keep our secret. 


"He's looking at her ass," Bucky says as he looks to Steve. 

"I know Buck. Just leave it. He always does that." Steve replies as he watches Thor, whose eyes have been on Madeline for the entire time since all 3 of them arrived at the gym.

"I don't like it," Bucky says, a deep growl emitting from his throat. "I don't want him to look at her like that. How are you okay with this?!"

Steve looks at him with an incredulous look, "Obviously I'm not okay with it, Buck, but I can't just go around punching anyone who looks at my girlfriend, can I?" 

Bucky shoots him a quick look. "I would." 

Steve cocks an eyebrow at him, "But you can't, pal, because for one, you're not her boyfriend. At least not officially. And second, Maddie would rip your head off." 

Bucky glares at his best friend standing next to him, watching Thor and Maddie interact, "You think I care? I don't want him to look at something that's not his. She is ours, Steve." 

"Yes," Steve sighs, "She is ours. And she knows that. You don't need to trust him, just trust her. How else do you think I've been able to get through these past months with her?" 

With a clenched jaw Bucky let's out a strained "Fine," but his face is angry and jealous and he doesn't take his eyes off Thor for even a second for the rest of the training session. 


"What the hell is she wearing?" Bucky whispers to Steve as Madeline enters the kitchen in only an oversized t-shirt that barely covers the top of her naked thighs. Bucky nearly smashes the coffee mug nestled in his metal hand as he see's her entering the kitchen. 

"My t-shirt, Bucky. You literally saw her wearing it this morning." Steve replies as he glances towards his girlfriend. 

"I know I did, I just don't want other people to see her like that, too." He replies, his jaw clenching. 

"Okay, well, if that's an issue, you should tell her that. But good luck, I for one should know she doesn't like getting told what to do, except for.. in very certain situations." 

"I know," Bucky sighs as he watches Madeline go to get a cup of coffee, Sam watching her closely as she walks up to him by the coffee pot. 

"I just don't want bird-man over there to look at her the way he does." 

"Buck," Steve sighs, "You know his name. And if it bothers you, speak to Maddie about it. But I don't really know what you're expecting to get out of that, exactly." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now