Chapter 86: Feverish

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Once we finally get back to the compound, Bucky has been grinding on me for the past 30 minutes and I'm completely flustered. 

It's past midnight but that's not a guarantee that the others won't be up which worries me. 

"How are we going to get Bucky back without anyone noticing?" I ask Steve as he parks the car. 

"We'll go up first and if they're there, we'll distract them. If not, it'll be easy for Buck to get back." 

I nod at Steve before I look at Bucky. He looks at me hungrily and I doubt he was even listening. 

"Wait until we tell you to come up, Buck," I say to him as I watch him, wondering if he's hearing me. 

He swallows thickly as his eyes run over my body before meeting mine, "Okay." 

Steve and I take the elevator up and once we get to the lounge area only Nat and Wanda are there, talking on the couch. I send Steve a quick look and he takes his phone out, texting Bucky. 

I go to talk to them on the couch and they're both excited to see me. 

"Maddie!" Wanda exclaims, "How was it?" 

"Eventful," I reply with a chuckle. 

"Did you have fun?" Nat asks as she cocks an eyebrow at me. 

"Yes, a lot of fun." 

"That's good," she says as she smirks at me, "And what about now? More fun?" 

I shake my head at her with a chuckle, "I'll let you know tomorrow." 

As we both laugh, and Wanda looks very confused, I hear the elevator doors open and before I know it, Bucky's metal arm is around my waist and he's dragging me to my room. 

"Gotta go, girls. Catch up tomorrow," I yell before he picks me up and carries me over his shoulder and I squeal. 

As Bucky storms off to my room I see Steve walking behind us, rolling his eyes with a smile, and I laugh. 

Once we're finally in my room Bucky goes straight to my bed and drops me harshly before his lips are once again on mine and his body is hovering over me.

I hear Steve close the door behind us and for a moment he just stands by the door, his arms crossed, as he watches Bucky ravishing me. 

I laugh a little at the sight of Steve and put my hands on Bucky's chest, pushing him back a little. "You need to calm down." 

"Can't," he says as he trails kisses down my neck, "I need you. Now." 

Steve looks amused from his spot by the door and he goes to the chair in my room as he places himself in it. I look at him with raised eyebrows and he shrugs at me as he continues to watch. 

I feel Bucky's fingers trying to undress me quickly, pulling at the dress. As I feel his metal hand curl in the fabric I realize what he's about to do and I quickly exclaim, "Don't you dare! This dress is Nat's!"

Bucky shoots me an annoyed look, clearly having preferred to rip the dress off me because it's faster. He watches me for a second, contemplating it, and I raise my eyebrows at him as I shoot him a serious look, "James. No." 

He sighs and moves back as he lets me stand up to help me out of the dress. 

Steve finally joins us as he does, helping Bucky undress me. 

Once the dress is pulled off me, Bucky's eyes rests on my naked breasts and he takes one in his hand, kneading it gently. 

"I've missed touching you," he says quietly as my eyes meet his. 

"I've missed you touching me," I reply as I lean in to kiss him. He's calmer now, clearly having been pulled out of his frenzy once I got stern with him. 

Steve moves behind me and trails kisses down the back of my neck and my shoulders. Bucky's hand moves down to my lace panties and he touches me gently, feeling how wet I am. 

"Panties still soaked," he says with a groan before he kisses me again, his fingers still caressing me slowly. 

As I feel them both get more excited I decide it's now or never. 

I clear my throat a little before I speak, "Boys..." They both stop and look up at me, and I hear Steve say, "Yes love?" 

"I've been thinking about something.." I say as I trail off a little and that makes Steve move to face me. 

As I get embarrassed I blush a little and Bucky moves his hand to my cheek, "What is it doll?" 

"Well," I say, my blushing uncontrollable, "I was talking to Nat the other day and she gave me this idea.. Of this thing... That we could try.." 

Both boys raise their eyebrows at me, surprised, before glancing at each other. 

"Like what?" Steve asks as he moves a hand to my waist. 

"Well.. It's umm.. I don't even know if you'd want to, it might be weird, and I don't even know if I'd be able to because it might hurt but I just haven't really been able to stop thinking about it and-" 

Steve chuckles and moves closer to me, "Breathe, baby." 

I inhale deeply and nod at him before a smile paints my face. I look from him to Bucky, who's watching me expectantly. 

"Nat mentioned that.. you know.. It's possible for you both to fuck me... At once." 

Both of them look at me shocked, eyes wide, before looking at each other. 

As they turn back to me, Steve asks, "Are you sure about that?" 

I blush a little and look down, embarrassed. 

Bucky's hand moves under my jaw, lifting it to his eye level, before he smiles and says, "Doll, not that neither of us wouldn't want to do that. But that might hurt you. You sure you're ready for that?" 

I bite my lip, "I don't know if I am but I also won't know until I try. And honestly, I've been thinking about it non stop for two days." 

They both smirk at that and look quickly at each other before smiling at me. "Okay," Steve says, "If you want to try it, we definitely can." 

Bucky interrupts, "But if at any point it hurts too much, or you change your mind, let us know." 

I nod, "I will." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now