Chapter 42: A Present

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As the movie ends we all get up to go to bed. After I came, Steve pulled his fingers out of me and pretended like nothing ever happened which was quite impressive in my opinion considering how rattled I was myself. 

The rest of the entire movie, Bucky's eyes were resting on me. Watching me. 

It should have made me uncomfortable but it made me feel exhilarated. It made me want to know how he would look at me if he got to be the one touching me. And the entire situation definitely didn't help with the confusing thoughts I'd been having all day. 

Steve puts an arm around my waist as we walk back to my room. Bucky left a few minutes earlier, quickly retreating to his room. 

As we get inside, Steve pushes me against the closed door, kissing me wildly. 

"I want you now" he growls in my ear, pulling at my clothes. I can only match his pace, being so turned on since the whole Bucky incident, it was almost unbearable. 

Steve is quick and rough in his movements, pulling my clothes off quickly and then moving me on the bed. He pulls me onto his lap and he's rock hard underneath me. He's panting in my ear already, despite me having barely even touched him yet. 

"Maddie, no foreplay today. I can't wait a second longer," he says as he kisses my neck. I lean upwards, guiding him to my entrance. I am still dripping from earlier, the entire situation one of the sexiest things I'd ever experienced, and he slides in with ease. 

He groans deeply as he enters me and fills me up completely. "Oh, god, fuck," he moans in my ear. I rest my hands on his shoulders, guiding myself up and down him slowly. He moves down to my breasts, kissing and sucking my nipple before biting lightly. 

He pulls back from my naked torso and leans back, pulling me with him. He slaps my ass roughly before grabbing it. One hand on my ass and the other around my waist, he holds me steady as he starts pounding in and out of me. I'm moaning loudly, still completely in euphoria from earlier and from the way he feels inside me right now. 

He moans in my ear, "Oh god Maddie. Did you like that? Did you like Bucky watching you as I fucked you with my fingers?" I moan loudly at his words, flushed and excited at once. 

"Answer me," he says, demanding, moving his hand to take a fistful of hair and guiding me to look him in the eyes. 

He's looking at me with pure lust and demand and I almost come right on the spot. 

"Did you like how he watched you and got turned on by it, sweetheart?" he repeats as he pulls me in for a kiss. He pulls me away from him again, the hand in my hair guiding my motions, and I moan a raspy "y-yes," in response. 

That fuels him on and he's pounding in and out of me even faster now, his pace relentless. 

"You want Bucky to fuck you like this?" he asks me, panting and growling, and I whine at the feeling of him fucking me harder than he ever has before. 

I nod slightly as I feel myself getting close to coming. 

"Yeah, you do, you loved being watched like that. You want us to share you?" he groans in my ear and his words make me come on the spot. They're dirty, and should feel so wrong, but my god, it just feels so right in the moment.

As he feels me clenching around him he explodes inside me and I feel him filling me up completely. 


After last night I passed out from exhaustion. The entire day had been a blur and those last few hours had really taken me over the edge. 

I wake up next to Steve, facing him, his arm holding me close against his chest.

What happened last night will probably have a change in our relationship. It was wrong, but also right. It's really hard to explain right now. But it's clear we're both attracted to Bucky in some way, or at least to him being a part of this, in some way. 

I was surprised at how Steve reacted to all of it but it wasn't disappointing. Just very different. Especially considering how jealous he usually gets when Thor is around. 

I kiss his naked chest, putting my arm around his waist and pulling myself closer to him. He stirs a little and kisses the top of my head. 

"I love you," he suddenly says. 

I look up at him. "I love you too," I say, almost confused at the sudden confession first thing in the morning. 

"I have to leave today and I know we have some things we should clarify. I'm sorry I have to leave you like this." 

He looks at me with a worried look on his face, perhaps afraid he scared me off after last night. 

"I will be here when you come back." I say as I kiss him lightly. He exhales at my response. 

"Thank god. Otherwise I wouldn't want to come back." 

I smile at him. "Oh, that reminds me. Before you go off to god knows where, without me to swat all the girls away who want to get their hands on you.." 

I move up from the bed and go to my dresser. I pull out the ring, resting in a velvet bag, and sit back on the bed. 

Steve sits up and leans against the headboard, his eyebrows raised in surprise. 

"What's this?" He asks, smiling. 

"My secret," I reply innocently. 

He chuckles. "So you were keeping secrets because you were getting me a present?" 

I nod.

He exhales loudly, "That's a relief. Those secrets I'm okay with." 

I laugh at his response as I hand him the bag. 

"Open it." 

He pulls at the strings on the velvet bag and pours the content out in the palm of his hand. I watch his face as he holds the ring between his fingers and see his expression change once he realizes. 

"That's my shield.." he says, trailing off. 

"Yeah. It is." 

"What is this?" He asks, studying the ring in his hand. 

"For you. Wear it so all the girls out there know that you are off the market. It's an antique. The clerk said you used to wear it but I can tell that was a lie, from the expression on your face. Supposedly it's an old antique from the 50's, after you went in the ice." 

He looks at the ring intensely for a few seconds before looking back up at me. 

He has a huge shit-eating grin on his face. 

"This is amazing. Thank you, I love it." He tries it on and it fits perfectly. 

He pulls me in by the back of my neck and kisses me deeply. 

"I love you so much," he says between kisses. I hook my hands behind his neck, "I love you too." I say before kissing him passionately. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now