Chapter 110: Defiance

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The entire ride back on the quinjet I can tell they're both furious with me. I have no idea why, the only thing I did was save their fucking asses. Save Bucky from dying. 

I feel the anger seething off both of them and it annoys me. I roll my eyes when I think about how ridiculous they're probably both going to act, once we're back home. 

"Well, Barnes," Tony says loudly, clearly noticing the anger radiating off both Steve and Bucky, "Isn't it nice to have someone like Madeline on the team to save your ass when you're in trouble?" 

I see both Bucky and Steve clench their jaw when he says it. 

Oh god, this isn't going to end well. For me. 

"She didn't save me," Bucky replies through gritted teeth. 

"Oh really?" Tony says sarcastically, "Sure seemed like it. Didn't that guy have a gun to your head?" 

When Bucky doesn't reply but simply looks away, Tony turns to me, his brows raised questioningly. 

"He did," I answer calmly. 

"So, you saved his life?" Tony asks me. 

"I did."

I see Bucky's eyes flash to mine and he looks pissed and angry. The fucking ego of this man. 

"Actually, Tony," Steve says sternly as he turns to me, "What she did, was put herself at risk." 

Tony scoffs, "AND save your best friend. Be grateful, Rogers. I'm assuming it would be hard for the two of you to not be joined at the hip anymore, if one of you died." He glances between Steve and Bucky who both glare at him. 

I sigh, "Just let it go, Tony. Clearly they don't get it." 

"Don't get what?!" Steve yells at me, "That you're willing to put your own life at risk?!" 

"No, Steve," I say as I stare at him, still keeping my calm composure, "That I'm willing to put my own life at risk to save Bucky. Your best fucking friend. And mine too. Need I remind you of that?"

I look at Bucky who's still just as angry, "Do I need to remind you too, James? My best fucking friend. So lay the fuck off. I did what anyone else would have done in that situation and you both know it." 

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO STAY SAFE! That was the only thing you were supposed to do, Madeline! And you failed to do that!" Steve yells back at me and I feel a rush of embarrassment. He's yelling at me, like I'm a fucking child, and everyone is staring at us. 

I choose to not reply, looking away from him. 

Steve huffs in annoyance before he glances at Bucky who's still glaring at me angrily. 

Oh god. I'm going to be paying for this the second we get home. 


"What the hell was that, Madeline?!" Bucky yells after bursting through my door, Steve following close behind him. I hear the door slam after they both enter and it makes me flinch. 

I glare at Bucky, "What, you mean when I saved your fucking life?!" I yell back. 

Steve growls, "You put yourself at risk. We agreed you would stay out of any situation like that!"

"HE WOULD HAVE DIED, STEVE!" I yell at him, out of frustration, "I had to help him!"

"No you fucking didn't!" Bucky yells at me, "Are you forgetting who I am? Are you forgetting that it's damn near impossible to kill me?!"

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now