Chapter 22: Please Tell Me He Didn't

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I'm talking to Wanda in the corner of the party. I left the bar when Bruce showed up to speak to Natasha, which I know she's been hoping for him to do - mainly because she told me she was.

Wanda and I chat as we watch them. I want Nat to be happy and she clearly has something with Bruce but personally I feel her and Bucky might be a better match after today.
But, the heart wants what it wants.

As I watch them Wanda whispers to me, "Maddie. Look." And she discreetly points to the pool table.

Steve, Sam and Bucky are all standing next to the table, talking to a blonde.
Steve looks uncomfortable. He is standing stiffly and taking a lot of sips from his beer.

"Who's that?" I ask Wanda with furrowed eyebrows.

The blonde is looking intensely at Steve even though he's not really saying anything. It seems to be mainly Sam that's driving the conversation.

"Oh," she says, "You don't know?"

I furrow my eyebrows at her again, "No, should I?" I ask her.

"Yeah, kinda" she says, "That's Sharon. Her and Steve dated for a little while."

I'm taking a sip of my cocktail as she says the last part and I almost choke on it.

"What?!" I ask her, shocked.

I look back at the blonde. She is very beautiful. As I study her a bit she reminds me of someone but I'm not entirely sure who.

"Yes, it was short lived as far as I know. It was right around the time when Bucky came back if I remember correctly. It was a bit of a strange relationship..." Wanda trails off.

I look back at Wanda. "Why was it strange?"

She laughs shortly and then says, "Well, first of all because Cap never dates anyone... and second of all because... well... She is related to Peggy Carter."

This makes me choke on my drink again, worse this time.

"Wait, WHAT?" I ask Wanda again and she starts laughing a bit at my reaction. I look back to Steve with widened eyes and he see's Wanda and I looking.

As he turns back to Sharon I turn back to Wanda, "Wait. No he did not. Please tell me he didn't." She laughs again, "Yeah, he did. We all thought it was fucking weird."

"Oh my god," is all I manage to say for a second. "Alright, well, if Steve's ex is here then I need shots. Now."

Wanda grins at me and says, "Well then follow me." And we both walk towards the bar.

Nat is alone at the bar again and she looks a bit gloomy. We walk over to her and ask for shots and she pours 3.

I look at her and ask, "How'd it go with the Doctor?"

She sighs, "He's just as shy as always. Even when I lay it on him thick he doesn't take the bait. It's like he's only confident when he's the big guy. I don't know, maybe it's the big guy I like and not his alter ego." She chuckles a bit.

"I'm sorry Nat," I say, "I'm sure he'll come around. Or just keep pouring him shots and he's bound to come out of his shell." That makes the both of them laugh.

I take the shot Nat poured in my hand and raise it, "Well, I just found out Steve's ex is here, and that she's related to Peggy Carter, so I'm gonna need more than just this one if I am to survive the night," I say as I down the shot in a swift motion.

Nat starts laughing and says, "Oh shit, you didn't know about Sharon?" She keeps laughing and Wanda joins in as they cheer and drink the shot.

"Nope. Not a clue. Should I be worried that he didn't tell me?" I say as I chuckle a bit, mainly due to the ridiculousness of the entire situation.

"No I don't think so," Nat says as she pours another 3 shots, "I just think he was too embarrassed to tell you to be honest. I mean, how weird is it to date the great-niece of your first love?" We all laugh because it's so absurd that it could even be a thing.

We stay at the bar and chat and Nat makes us more cocktails.

After a while Nat gestures towards the pool table and says "I don't think you need to be worried about Rogers but you might have to be a bit worried about her."

I look towards the pool table where Sharon is still standing very close to Steve and I watch as she puts her hand on his arm.

It makes me instantly jealous.

"Oh god," I say, "I don't want to be that girl, but that fucking bothers me." I take a sip of my drink.

 "Hey," Wanda says, making me turn around to face her, "It would bother me too."

"Yeah," Nat says, "Same. But I don't have a man so.."
We all laugh at that.

"But, you do. So go get your man" she says.

"Alright, yeah" I say, taking another sip, "I think I will."

As I'm about to leave the bar, Thor comes up to us.

"Girls! Let's do shots!" 

I see Steve watching me as soon as Thor approaches and I figure it might be fun to tease him a little. So instead of going there and acting like the jealous girlfriend, I decide to stay and have shots.

Thor is flirty by nature, and he's no different after some alcohol, and we all chat and laugh for a while. 

As he's standing next to me, I feel him putting his hand on the small of my back. It makes me stiffen instantly.

I look over at the pool table but all I see is Sharon and Sam in conversation. I start to look for Steve but as I turn my head further I feel someone stand close to me on the other side than Thor is.

I look up to my right and see Steve standing next to me, smiling down at me. I shift a bit closer to him and Thor drops his hand from the small of my back, still in deep conversation with Nat and Wanda.

Steve pulls me aside without the others noticing, moving me to the corner of the room, and leans down to whisper, "You trying to make me jealous?" As he gives me a cheeky smile.

"Well, you tell me. How's Sharon by the way?" I say back, giving him a teasing look.

His eyes widen a bit and he looks shocked as I start to chuckle lightly.

"How did you know?" He asks me, embarrassed.

"The girls filled me in. So, you really like the Carter family, huh?" I'm still using a teasing voice and I start giggling.

He grabs my waist, chuckling as he leans in close again and whispers, "Used to. Past tense."

As he pulls away we make eye contact and I feel electricity run through my body again. My entire body is tingling, starting from where his hands are currently touching.

As we stand there, in the corner of the room, gazing into each other's eyes, I feel someone walk up to us.

"Hi," the voice says, "I'm Sharon. I don't believe we've met yet." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now