Chapter 149: Easy

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I watch as everyone rushes towards Madeline, giving her hugs. 

My heart is pounding in my chest after what just happened. 

The others take turns hugging Maddie and Steve, and eventually hugging me as well. 

Every hug I give makes me feel more and more distanced from my body, like I'm in a haze.

I can't believe that just happened. 

And I can't believe how easy it was. 

Why the hell did we wait so long? 

When I glance up, and see Tony Stark standing right in front of me with his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face, I suddenly remember why. 

Right. Time to deal with this properly, then. 

"Barnes," he says as his eyes burn into my skull. 

"Stark," I reply, holding his stern gaze. 

"If you ever hurt her, I swear to god-" 

I quickly interrupt him, "I already told you I wouldn't."

Tony scoffs, "Yeah, but I'm being serious here. She's like a daughter to me. That threat was no joke." 

I nod, "I understand that, Tony. And I won't hurt her, I promise. I intend to marry that girl, as soon as she'll let me." 

Tony raises his eyebrows in surprise, his expression turning more curious, "Really? As soon as she'll let you?" 

"Yes," I say, "I'm not the one who's been holding back, she is. I'm not the one who wanted to keep this a secret, she was. She didn't want to hurt you, or ruin your relationship. I went along with this for so long because I love her. I hope you understand that." 

I can see shock etching on his face as he clears his throat, "I do now. I'm happy to hear this is real for you, too. Although I do find it weird," he glances to Steve before looking back at me, "That it's the both of you. I'll try not to think about that fact too much." 

I smile, "Just know that she's happy. We make her happy. And we both love her and would do anything for her. That's enough, right?" 

Tony nods, his voice quiet, "Yes, that's enough." 

Tony reaches out his hand to me, and I take it, shaking it quickly, before letting go again.

He gives me an awkward smile before stepping away. 

I glance at the others and see Maddie, who is talking excitedly with Wanda and Nat, and Steve who is talking to Sam. 

"I'm sorry," Scott says loudly as he looks at me from the other end of the couch, "Can we all talk about the fact that Bucky Barnes is apparently a puppy dog? I just don't see it." 

Nat laughs loudly and I hear Steve chuckle as well. 

Maddie smiles softly as she moves away from Nat and Wanda, to me, and takes my hand, kissing my palm. I look at her with a soft smile. 

"He's not a puppy dog," she says as she looks at me and I give her a strained smile as a thank you. 

I quickly regret it when she turns to the others and says, "He's a marshmallow. He loves cuddles." 

I quickly grab her and pinch her sides, making her laugh, and I notice Tony giving me a small smile as I wrap my arms around her. 


After the big revelation, that turned out to not be so big after all, we're all sitting around the couch area catching up before dinner. 

Maddie is sitting between Steve and I, his arm around her waist. Her hand hasn't left mine since we told them all. I can tell she's relieved they all finally know, and I am too. It's going to be a lot easier for us now that we don't have to hide it anymore. 

"So, when did you guys find out?" Tony asks as he looks at Nat and Wanda. 

Wanda giggles, "We didn't actually find out. Maddie told us." 

"Although we did have our suspicions," Nat says, cocking an eyebrow at me, "Barnes kept staring at her." 

I scoff, "I stare all the time, at everyone. That shouldn't have been a clue." 

Nat smirks, "You don't look at the rest of us that way. Most of the time you were eye-fucking her." 

Maddie giggles and looks at me, and I shrug, "Well, it worked, didn't it?" 

That makes some of the others laugh, and Maddie elbows me in the side. I turn to her with a cocky smile and she rolls her eyes at me with a chuckle. "You're impossible." 

"I know," I say proudly, "Good luck with that." 

"How did it even happen?" Scott asks me as he watches the three of us on the couch. Steve turns to look at Maddie, and so do I. 

She blushes slightly, clearing her throat, "Well, Bucky kinda.. kissed me.. while Steve was on a mission. That was the moment things really changed." 

"Isn't that technically cheating?" Vision asks as he looks at Wanda, who nods a little. 

"Hey!" She says defensively, "He kissed me! And I told Steve as soon as he came back because I felt so guilty." 

"Not cool, Barnes," Sam says as he looks at me and shakes his head with a smile.

"I was in love with her, and I had no idea how to deal with those feelings. The kiss wasn't planned, she just got me so pissed it was the only way to let out my emotions.. And to shut her up," I trail off before grumbling, "She's very stubborn." 

"You got that right," Steve quickly says and I see Maddie roll her eyes at us. 

"They've gotten into this habit of ganging up on me and I really don't like it, but I have no idea how to make them stop," Maddie says with a huff as she looks between the two of us. 

I smile at her until I hear Tony say, "How did I not catch onto this? It seems so obvious now.." 

Maddie smirks at him, "When was the last time you checked the cameras, Tony?" 

"It's been a while," he says as his brows furrow, "I didn't want to do it after that whole fiasco at the party. I figured it was smart to lay off for a while." 

Maddie laughs, "Probably for the best. Otherwise you would have seen some stuff." 

Tony glares at her, "Really? You guys don't think you should have been more careful? Now I'm afraid to go back and watch it." 

Steve laughs, "We were being careful," he says, pointing between himself and Maddie. Then he points to me, "That one, not so much. Being careful isn't his strong suit." 

I shrug again, "Like I said. It worked, didn't it?" 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now