Chapter 132: Cuddles

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After I come down from my high I lie in bed for a little with my eyes closed, completely fucked out. 

Steve kisses me softly before moving out of bed, going to take a shower. I need to take one too, I'm completely covered in him and myself, but I'm too tired right now. He offers for me to come with him but I know if I do, I'll just end up getting distracted. 

"I'll go when you're done," I reply tiredly with my eyes still closed. 

Steve chuckles, "Might be for the best. You know I could easily go for round two." 

Bucky laughs as I feel him move into bed next me, and I swat him lightly with my hand as I keep my eyes closed, "Not funny. I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with the both of you as it is." 

Bucky kisses my shoulder and pulls me to him. "Sorry, doll." 

I smile, "It's okay. I like it for the most part." 

I feel his metal hand lazily tracing my naked skin as I gather my strength. When I finally feel a little less out of it I open my eyes and move to face him. 

He's lying on his side, watching me, and I give him a soft smile. 

He has a grin plastered on his face and I furrow my brows a little in confusion, until I glance to his shoulder. 

I gasp "Your arm.. It's.." 

His grin grows wider, "I know." He flexes the black metal arm in the air, showing it off to me, "Do you like it?" 

I grab it softly, pulling it closer to me, as I inspect it. "Yeah, I do. It's beautiful." 

I look back up at him, "Although I also liked the other one. You will always be beautiful." 

He chuckles and I can see the blush creeping on his face, "Thanks doll." 

"What can it do?" I ask as I hold the arm in my hands and move my fingers on it, feeling the soft metal against my finger tips. 

"I don't even know yet," he says with another chuckle, "I just got it."

I blush, "I didn't even notice it was different, before." 

He smiles at me, "You were a little preoccupied," which only makes me blush more. 

He leans in, kissing me, and I smile as he pulls away. 

"I like it. It's very nice. And I like that it's yours. This one is much more Bucky." 

He gives me a wide grin in return, "I think so too." 


When I come back out from my shower the sight that meets me in the bedroom tugs at my heart. 

Steve and Bucky are in bed, both in sweatpants and a t-shirt, and Steve is spooning Bucky. 

I chuckle a little at the sight. I've never seen them do this before. I don't know if this is something they've done in the past, and honestly, I'm not entirely sure what their relationship has been like in the past. 

I know they've always been close but I don't exactly know how close. And I never asked because I didn't want to make either of them feel uncomfortable. I figured if it was something they needed me to know about, they would tell me. 

But it's still adorable to watch them cuddle in bed together, even if I do feel a little left out. I'm usually lying in between them. 

I go to my dresser and get out some comfy clothes. It's still quite early, Buck must have left really early this morning to go see Shuri. 

I stand and watch them for a second and then I see Steve shift slightly with his arm still around Bucky, his face moving up to look at me. 

"Hey," he quietly says, glancing at Bucky and the arm around him, "He was tired and wanted to cuddle. You want in?" 

I grin at him, "Always." 

Steve lifts his arm, motioning for me to come closer, and then he moves back a little. 

I lie down between them, wrapping an arm closely around Bucky's waist, and he nuzzles closer into my hold. 

Steve's arm lands over my waist, holding the both of us close, and I drift off to sleep again. 

It's nice to not feel cold anymore. 


After we all wake up from our short nap I have to go see Shuri again. 

I'm dreading it as I walk down the corridor. 

I didn't tell the boys about what she told me, and they haven't asked yet, either. I assume that's because she told them to go easy on me. 

And honestly, I'm relieved that they haven't asked. Because I wouldn't know what to say. 

On one hand, I feel guilty for not telling them about it. On the other, I don't want to tell them because if I did, it would probably worry them more than necessary. 

I sit down on a chair in the lab as Shuri get's her tablet out. 

"I analyzed your blood this morning," she says as she taps away at the screen. 

"What did you find?"

"Not much, other than what I already speculated. I was right, there's definitely a hormonal imbalance." 

"Do you know if it's because of the thing in my neck?" 

"I'm 99% sure. I can't imagine why else. Can I do another scan of it?" 

I hum and nod in reply and she moves behind me, using the tablet to scan my neck. 

I hear faint beeps as it scans me and I hear her nails clicking on the screen as she says, "Did you talk to them about it?" 

"No," I answer quietly. 

"Why not?" 

"Didn't know what to say," I reply as I start twiddling my thumbs. 

She moves back in front of me and sits down on a chair opposite of me. "Are you afraid of what they might say?" 

I shrug a little as I look down. It feels weird to pour my emotions and thoughts out to her. I know Bucky knows her well, but I don't. And this part of my life is very private to me. 

She smiles softly, "I know it's hard to talk about but it might help clear your mind a bit."

I look up at her and she looks genuine and concerned which makes my resistance soften. 

I look back down, "Yes, I'm afraid of their reaction." 

"And why is that?" 

I keep my gaze on the floor as I speak, "Because I don't know how they're going to feel. And they might want me to remove it, because if it's triggering these emotions in me we should, but.." 

She sighs, "But you don't want to get pregnant." 

I look up at her quickly, "No. I mean, yes, eventually, I think I do. But not right now." 

"You could always use protection," Shuri says with a slight blush in her cheeks. Obviously this conversation is making her a little embarrassed, too. 

"Yes," I say as I nod, "Would a condom be able to hold off their.. enhancements?" 

Shuri furrows her brows, "I'm not really sure.. But there are other options." 

"Like what?" 

"Like birth control," Shuri responds. 

"How safe is that?" 

Shuri shrugs, "Pretty safe." 

I narrow my eyes at her, "How safe is it, for super soldiers? I know birth control isn't 100% safe even for normal people. So what odds are we talking about here?" 

She looks me over before quietly saying, "There would be a risk. I don't think there's anything I could do, that wouldn't have a risk." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now