Chapter 143: Plans

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The next morning I wake up with my two favorite men next to me. Steve is spooning me from behind and my arms are tight around Bucky's waist as he lies with his back to me. 

I nuzzle into his neck and take a deep breath. When his comforting smell hits my nostrils I feel myself relaxing completely and I start to drift off back to sleep. 

But when I feel Bucky carefully move out of my hold my eyes snap open abruptly. 

I wrap my arms around his waist tighter and pull him back to me as I whine. 

Bucky chuckles, "Doll, I'm sorry, I don't want to go but I promised Shuri-" 

"No," I interrupt and pout. 

He turns around in my arms and looks at me. 

I pout even more and give him puppy eyes as he looks at me. 

I can see his demeanor and resistance crumbling as I look at him, and his hand goes to cup my cheek. 

"I don't want to leave," he quietly says, "But I promised." 

"But I want you here," I quietly whine as I pull him closer to me. 

He chuckles again, "And I want to be here too, doll. I'll be back soon, I promise." 

His lips moves to mine and I take the opportunity and quickly wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

"Doll," he mutters between kisses, "I have to go." 

"I know," I reply before biting his lower lip, "Just wanted to make sure you'd come back to me." 

He grins at me as his hand caresses my cheek, "I will always come back to you, babygirl. Now go back to sleep." 

I nod and yawn and I can hear him getting dressed quietly as I drift off to sleep again. 


The next time I wake up the first thing I feel is the body missing next to me. 

Steve is curled against my back and I nuzzle closer into him as my eyes flutter open to the see the empty spot in front of me. 

I don't like waking up with one of them missing. I prefer when they're both here. 

I turn around carefully, Steve's arm holding me close, and once I'm facing him I wrap my arm around his waist and snuggles into his chest. 

I leave soft and gentle kisses on his naked skin and I know he's awake when I hear his deep voice, raspy from sleep, "Morning, baby." 

"Good morning," I say with a smile as I continue kissing his chest softly. 

He chuckles, "How'd you sleep?" 

"Good," I reply as my arm wraps around him a little tighter. 

"What are your plans for the day?" 

I shrug and continue kissing his chest, licking the skin occasionally. 

I feel Steve shiver slightly as I do and his arm around me moves to my neck, lifting my face upwards and away from his chest. 

"Do you have plans today, baby?" 

I shake my head as I smile softly at him. 

"Good," he says as our eyes connect, "That means I get you to myself."

I giggle softly as my fingers move across his chest an abs, tracing invisible lines, "What does that mean, Stevie?"

"It means I want to take you out. I might not know Wakanda as well as Bucky does, but I know a little bit," he replies before looking from my hand on his chest back to me, "Besides, it would be fun exploring with the city with you. We can get lost together," he chuckles.  

I nod and grin at him, "Sure, let's go out and get lost together." 

His arm slides back down to my waist and wraps a little tighter around me, moving me even closer to his hard body. 

He leans down and gently places his lips on mine before whispering against them, "I can't wait to spend the day with you baby."  

I blush and smile as I giggle, "Me neither, Stevie. It's been a while since we've spent a full day together, just the two of us." 

Steve nods and kisses me again, "It's been way too long." 


Steve and I cuddle for a while before starting to get dressed to go out. I decide to wear a pastel blue sundress with bare legs because Wakanda is hot and I'm really not used to the heat. 

"I don't understand how you and Bucky don't overheat," I say with a chuckle as I watch Steve put on jeans. 

Steve smiles at me and shrugs, "I guess it's a super soldier thing." 

"But you're both so hot all the time!" I exclaim as I look at him exasperated. 

He smirks at me, "Thanks, baby." 

I roll my eyes and look at him unimpressed, "Really? That's what you chose to hear?" 

He grins at me as he walks towards me, "Yep. Always look on the bright side, right?" 

I chuckle at him as he comes closer to me. My hands run up his chest to his shoulders and I smile softly, looking up at him, "That's cute." 

I kiss him softly, "Where are we going today?" 

He kisses me back before shrugging and smiling, "Just take a walk through the city. There's one street in particular that has a lot of stores and little stands with different stuff, it's really nice." 

I cock an eyebrow at him, "How well do you know the city?" 

Steve chuckles as his fingers lightly trace my jaw, "I've been to visit Bucky a few times. And when he first got here, I stayed a while, but I had to find a way to entertain myself because he was in cryo." 

My smiles falls a little as I'm reminded of Bucky's past - and my own.

"Oh.. Right. He was in cryo for a while here, too. I forgot about that." 

Steve notices my change in demeanor and cups my face with his hands, "It's alright, he's better now. He wasn't Bucky back then, but he is now. He doesn't associate this place with any of the bad stuff, he only associates it with good memories now." 

I smiles up at him and nod, "Yeah, you're right. I just get sad and worried when I think about it," I kiss him quickly, "You ready to go?" 

Steve nods and takes my hand as he guides me out of our room. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now