Chapter 104: Marks

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"Are we still playing, or what?" I ask as I cock an eyebrow at Steve. 

He shrugs at me. "Sure," he replies before spinning the bottle. 

The bottle lands on Thor. Finally, Wanda stopped manipulating the outcome. 

Steve looks at Thor for a second before asking, "So, God of Thunder," he teases, "When was the last time you had sex?"

I'm completely surprised by Steve's question. Clearly Thor's alcohol is getting to his head. 

Thor shrugs, "It's been a while." 

Wanda cocks an eyebrow, "Really? That's surprising." 

Thor shrugs again, "I've been away a lot. There are some people I'm interested in but if you snooze, you loose." He glances at me quickly and I stiffen. 

I glance quickly to Steve, checking if he noticed, but it doesn't look like it. 

Then I feel Bucky's shift in his seat and I glance to him. His jaw is clenched and his metal hand is clutched into a fist. He clearly noticed. 

Thor spins the bottle and I watch Wanda carefully again. She's talking to Vision which makes me sigh a breath of relief. Hopefully she's done controlling the odds. 

When it lands on Bucky I feel him stiffen in his seat. He doesn't really say much around the others, I've noticed that, so I'm sure it makes him uncomfortable to have to answer any kind of question. 

"Tinman!" Thor's deep voice rumbles as he looks at Bucky, who looks even more uncomfortable once the nickname is thrown in there. 

"I suppose we've been on the topic of sex for a while, that seems to excite the mortals. So," Thor takes a sip of his drink before continuing. Once he puts the drink back down he says, "When was the last time you had sex?" 

My mind flashes immediately to earlier this afternoon when Bucky was buried deep inside me and I widen my eyes slightly. He's going to have to lie on this one. 

Bucky shifts in his seat. At this point it's clear to the entire room that he's very uncomfortable. I feel Steve's hand tighten slightly on my thigh and I hate that he has to be reminded of what happened this afternoon, again. 

Bucky clears his throat, "Uhm.. It's..." He looks down at his hands and I can tell he hates being in this situation right now. I feel bad for him. I wish I could help, but if I say anything right now it might blow up in my face. 

"It's been a while.." Bucky replies quietly and I finally muster up enough courage to glance at him. He's looking at his hands but when he feels my gaze on him, his eyes dart to mine before quickly darting back to his hands. 

"Alright, no shame in that," Thor responds and brings his drink in the air, guiding it towards Bucky, "Cheers to it being a while." 

Bucky smiles faintly and brings his glass to clink with Thor's before taking a big sip. 

The room is quiet right now, everyone very obviously aware that Bucky is uncomfortable. When no-one says anything for a few seconds I turn to Bucky again, patting his thigh casually, "It's your turn Buck." 

He glances to my hand and then to me and his face calms. "Okay, yeah, uhm.. I just spin it then?" 

I nod with a chuckle, "Yeah, you just spin it." 

I retract my hand again, the electricity running through me getting to an almost nerve-racking point. 

He spins the bottle and then sits back in the couch, exhaling heavily. I guess he's relieved he got through that without giving anything away. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now