Chapter 150: Titanic

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We're all sitting around having dinner and it's nice to finally feel like a family again. 

Maybe even more than usual, now that everyone knows and I don't have to hide a part of myself. 

We're all talking and chatting - even Bucky, who is acting much less like his grumpy self. He's never really grumpy around me or Steve, but I know he tends to be around the others. And if he's not grumpy, he just doesn't talk much. 

It's nice to see him with a smile on his face. He's even talking to Sam which is impressive considering they usually can't stand each other. 

Or at least that's what they both say. I know it's just because they're fighting for the spot of Steve's best friend. But I'm fairly sure Bucky wins that one, if I'm being honest. 

I smile to myself as I look around and once I glance at Nat she gives me a wide smile as we make eye contact. 

"Maddie," she says, "We are having girl talk later. No excuses." 

I chuckle, "Alright Nat, but I was actually supposed to go with the boys to-"

"No!" She interrupts, "You've spent the last several days with them. We deserve equal attention!" 

Steve cocks an eyebrow at her, "Equal attention?" 

"Yeah, you sure about that, Romanoff?" Bucky says with a smirk and it makes me blush furiously. 

Nat smirks back confidently, "Try me, Barnes. She's ours for the evening. Deal with it." 

Bucky smiles slyly, "Alright, I'm okay with that, as long as you two don't get the same kind of attention as we do." 

I turn to him with a shocked expression and he just shrugs at me sheepishly, before Nat says, "Would that be a problem?" Her smirk growing even bigger. 

"Yes." Steve dryly replies as he glares at her and Nat meets his gaze for a few seconds, challenging him, before giggling and saying, "Oh, don't worry, alpha males. I'll bring her back in one piece, untouched. Jeez, y'all really are possessive, huh?" 

"You have no idea," I say quietly as I roll my eyes and take a bite of my food. I said it quietly enough that I thought no-one heard, but as I glance between Steve and Bucky, I realize they both have, as they both look at me incredulously. 

I sigh as I look at Nat, "You see what I have to deal with, here? They're impossible." 

"I'm happy they're protective of you, Madeline," Tony suddenly says, "That's the only reason I'm okay with this entire thing." He takes a sip of his wine as he looks at me before eyeing both Steve and Bucky. 

"Tony, don't worry," Steve says with a smile, "Bucky feels the same way as I do. Neither of us would ever let anything happen to her." 

"That's what the fight was about," Bucky quickly says, looking at Tony, "That's why I too was so upset about it." 

Tony furrows his brows, "How long have you all been together?"

"For a while," I say with a smile, "We've actually been together since before I left for two months. Since before we found out about the stone."

Tony widens his eyes as he looks as me, "Did this arrangement have anything to do with you leaving?" 

I nod, "Yes, it did. But we've also recently found out that Hydra still has a hold over me, so I'm not sure how much was me and how much was Hydra when I left. But that's why I took it so hard when I found out about Bucky lying to me." I look at Bucky and he gives me an apologetic look. I bring his hand to mine, kissing his palm, to reassure him. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now