Chapter 30: History

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I'm staring at Madeline, trying to read her expression after the confession I just made.

She blinks a few times, clearly in shock.

I'm not surprised, I mean, how could she be expecting this? She doesn't know about the conversations I had with Bucky before her and I knew each other. After Bucky had just met her. I didn't know how and why, but I did know they were close.

But she doesn't know that.

When she told me about being close with Bucky I was surprised and caught off guard and so that day when she mentioned it as I was cooking her lunch, I pretended to not know. Part of it was true - Bucky never told me she was captured by Hydra and that she gained her powers that way. He was too busy telling me about this amazing, beautiful girl he had met.

And after that day, so long ago, where I first saw her train with Tony and Peter, I spoke to Bucky about it. About how she had amazed me. About the attraction I instantly felt.

During the weeks after, we spoke about it a couple of times and after a late night, Bucky and I both became aware that we had a shared interest in this powerful, mysterious girl.

Of course, back then, I didn't know her. And considering the attraction I knew Bucky felt for her, I honestly thought he would make a move. But he never did. And then he went back to Wakanda.

And as fate would have it, Tony needed someone to pick her up on her first day moving into the compound and I took the opportunity instantly.

Since we've all been back at the compound together, Bucky and I have only talked about it once.


"So..." Bucky says as he looks around the diner. "I know you're falling for her... now. How does that affect our relationship?" He shifts back to me. "We both remember what we talked about. Before you knew her. I've known her a long time but I've never known her like you do. Obviously it's a boys fantasy... but I hope this won't affect your feelings for her or how you treat her. Or me." Bucky swallows hard as he reads my expression.

"Buck," I say, "Honestly I tried to keep it at bay. But I just couldn't stay away. I know I probably should have, considering your fascination with her, but honestly it all happened so fast. I fell for her instantly. I never wanted to hurt you but at the same time, you never said you had feelings for her like that. You said you were just attracted to her. And what we have... it's real. It feels... inevitable." I look back at him with an apologetic look although I know that I shouldn't feel guilty for falling for Madeline.

"I know pal," he says as he sighs. "But with that in mind.. the things we spoke about.. how we would like to have our way with her at once.."

I glare at him, "Bucky, I'm in love with her. You need to move on from that now. It was just a fantasy with someone we didn't truly know. We know her now. Things have changed."

"Have they?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. "I know the situation is different for you now but I'm at the same place I was. Not to be disrespectful. But we have done it before. You know we've enjoyed it in the past. I know you've thought about it."

I keep eye contact for a few seconds before sighing. "I have. I still do. I've been holding back, choosing not to show her that side of me yet. I've been trying to ease her into it. I don't want to scare her away. I'm worried if I show her that side of me she won't want to be with me anymore."

He smirks at me, "Oh I wouldn't worry too much about that Stevie. I know her pretty well. I'm fairly certain she can handle your dark side."

"Maybe you're right Buck," I say as I look down at my hands. Tilting my head back up I meet his eye line once again as I say, "But I won't be the one to mention it to her. I won't risk it."

Madeline breaks me out of my daze as she puts her hand on my cheek.

"Steve.." She says, hesitating. She looks me in the eye and I can tell she is equally as intrigued as she is worried.

"I'm flattered," she starts to say as she holds my gaze, "that you have both thought of me that way. I won't lie and say that the thought has never crossed my mind.. with that being said.. I never imagined myself being with anyone but you after we met."

I smile at her gently before I respond.

"Me neither sweetheart. When Bucky and I talked about it, it was before you and I truly knew each other. Before I fell in love with you. Before I loved you. Which I do. More than anyone else I've met in my life." I caress her cheek with my thumb as she watches me speak.

"Okay.." She says, dragging her sentence out. "So, where is this coming from?" Her eyes are curious. She doesn't look scared or put-off.

I sigh. "Well, as you are well aware of, Bucky met you first. And when he first did, he spoke about you. A lot. He never told me how or why you met, just that he had met this incredible girl that made his heart flutter for the first time since before he was captured by Hydra." I speak quickly, worried that I might scare her off with what I'm saying right now.

But she only stares at me while she pulls me closer to her, "You know," she says, "I had the same thoughts in the beginning. When I met Bucky for the first time. He is an incredible person and I really wanted to know him better and at one point I... I fantasized about knowing him better. But there's a lot about me that you don't know yet, Steve. I felt an instant connection to Bucky because he did know, he understood, and he never had to ask... with that being said.. it was rarely a situation in my fantasy where you didn't also show up.."

As she finishes her sentence she looks down, breaking eye contact with me. As she studies her hands, I study her face.

I love her so much.

I study her cheekbones, her chin, her jaw. Her eyes. As I'm staring into her eyes, she finally meets my gaze again. I put my hands on either side of her jaw, pulling her towards me.

"Maddie. I love you. This is different than anything I've ever felt before. And I told Bucky that when I saw him again, when we went to lunch. Please don't worry about any of that. It's in the past."

I pull her into a kiss as I finish my sentence.

As she pulls away she sighs and says, "Is it though?" She sighs again, looking to her hands. "Steve.." She says with a hesitant voice, "I don't want you to think that you're not enough for me. Because you are. You truly are. But.... I love Bucky ... we are very close.. I wont ever deny the ideas I had about him.. and you.. together.. at once.. with me."

I raise my eyebrows at her as she speaks, unable to reply. She continues.

"If that's something both of you have considered... and especially, if you would be okay with it.." She drags her sentence out way longer than she should. I am looking at her with expecting eyes.

"Then.. that's..." she says, a small stutter in her voice, "That's something I might want to try. Eventually."

She looks up at me with coy eyes, her cheeks blushing, as she finishes her sentence. I hold her gaze.

"Darling," I say, putting a curled finger under her chin, pulling her face up towards me, "whatever fantasies you have, I want to explore them. As long as you promise to not replace me for another man." I smile at her slyly as I finish my sentence.

She meets my gaze and chuckles as she moves herself to sit on my lap.

"Oh Stevie," she says, moving her hands through my hair, grinding against my hardening member, "I could never replace you." And then she grinds down harder as her mouth reaches mine, our tongues colliding in a heated war.  

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now