Chapter 169: See You in a Minute

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I left Peggy's office as an emotional mess, but I knew I had a mission to finish. I knew Tony was waiting for me. 

I finally found Hank Pym's office, and I got the particles. I rushed out of the building as fast as I could, catching a glimpse of Tony with his father as I did. 

I watched as he hugged his father, and I saw the emotion on his face as he walked back to me. 

I didn't ask any questions. But I know how much that meant to him. 


Tony and I land back on the platform in time with the others and I take a heavy breath as I remove the mask. 

I look around at the others, smiling as I try to push away what just happened to me when I was at that place in the past.

I had figured the base being Captain America's birthplace would be what would rattle me to the core, but being in Peggy's office was so much worse. 

I didn't mention anything to Tony, but I instantly knew that I would need Nat as soon as I got back. That I would need to pour my heart out to my best friend and closest confidant. 

When I look to my right, to ask Nat how it went, I freeze as I see the empty spot next to me. 

That's when I see Clint drop to his knees on the platform. 

"Clint, where's Nat?" Bruce asks as Clint keeps his eyes on the ground.

He doesn't answer, he just keeps staring at the ground in front of him, not moving an inch. 

"Clint? Where is she?" I ask more urgently. 

He finally looks up at Bruce, not saying a word, before turning to me, his eyes red as tears brim at the edges. 

"No," I say shaking my head, "No. Where is she? This isn't funny Clint! Don't do this! Where's Nat?!"

He just looks between Bruce and I with sorrow etched across his face as he shakes his head, whispering, "I'm so sorry." 

Bruce drops to the ground with a loud thump, as his gaze locks on the empty space in front of him.

"No.." I say as I shake my head, but the look on Clint's face gives me no solace.

"NO!" I yell out as I land on my knees on the platform, the sobs wracking my body as I cry. 


After Clint explains everything that happened on Vormir, I go back to my room in silence.

I can't believe she's gone. 

Not only did I lose Bucky, Steve and Wanda, but now I lost her too.

And Bruce. He must be devastated. I know exactly how he feels.

I sit in my room in the darkness as I let the tears fall down my cheeks.

This better fucking work. 

If she gave her life, it can't have been for nothing.

We need to get everyone back. We need to get her back.

I remind myself that Bruce is going to snap his fingers and bring them back, bring her back. It'll all be alright. 

She's going to come back.

A knock on my door brings me out of my depressed daze. 

I don't remember telling the person to come in, but I must have, because the door opens and Tony walks into my room. 

"Hey kiddo," he says as he sits down on the bed next to me, "You doing okay?" 

"No," I say with a weak smile as I look at him, swiping the tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand. 

"I know.. But it's going to be okay. We're going to bring them back, all of them. Remember?" 

I nod slowly.

"Bruce is getting ready to snap his fingers. I came to get you, I figured you would want to be there." 

"Yeah," I say, as Tony helps get me out of bed, "Let's go bring them back." 


Bruce puts on the glove as we all stand around him, and he strains at the power the stones emit.

He spent the last five years learning to master his alter ego - which means that he can now turn green when he needs to, but he doesn't lose consciousness. He can be the Hulk while still being Bruce, which also means he is able to snap his fingers without dying.  

I watch hesitantly, unsure of what to expect. 

On one hand, we went through so much to get to this point. 

On the other, I have no idea if it's even going to work. 

He snaps his fingers and a white blast follows. 

It reminds me of that same moment with Thanos, where I stood in front of him as he snapped his fingers, killing half the universe. 

But the aftermath this time is different. 

Because this time, no one is turning to dust before my eyes. 

And instead, I hear birds chirping. 

Bruce drops to the ground and Tony quickly runs to help him. 

I watch as he does, and I contemplate going to his aid, but the sound of birds singing outside draws me to the window. 

I look outside and the sky is a different color than it's been these past few years. 

As I watch the tree outside the large window of the compound, I see birds sitting on the branches, protecting a nest. 

"It worked," I whisper, "I think it worked." 

Just as I turn back to the others, running to them to tell them that it worked, I'm blinded by a white light and knocked out by a loud blast wrecking the compound. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now