Chapter 183: We Need To Talk

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"Kid," Tony's voice brings me out of my haze and I look towards him, "Come over here. I made you a plate." 

He gestures to three plates on the kitchen island, two of them heavily overfilled with food and the third one moderately filled. I smile softly at him when I realize he prepared food for Steve and Bucky as well. 

"Thanks Tony" I say as I walk over to him, grabbing the plate that's clearly for me, "Sorry, I got distracted for a moment.." 

"I get it," he says as he offers me a small smile, "Don't worry. Go, have something to eat. It'll help you think better. And when you're done we should talk." 

His eyes flit to Steve, currently grabbing one of the overfilled plates as Bucky grabs the other, before landing back on me, "Did you talk to him yet?" 

"No," I say, feeling the panic suddenly rising inside me. No one other than Wanda knows why I don't want Steve to go bring those stones back.

"Not yet. I'll do it later."

I felt sure about everything last night but unfortunately the dawn of a new day brought everything right back. 

I do feel sure about Steve, of course I do. He just told me he was going to propose before everything happened, that he intends to spend his life with me.

I have to believe that and trust that. It must be true. Or he wouldn't have said it. 


Knowing there's a chance of a different life doesn't matter.

I'm it for him. 

I'm the one.

He said so himself once. 

He said this was different than anything else, better, than anything else. 

I need to trust him, believe him. 



Steve's voice brings me out of my thoughts and it makes me quickly turn towards him with a surprised look on my face 

"Y-yeah?" I answer nervously, quickly realizing that I am now sitting in between him and Bucky at the kitchen island as they eat their breakfast. 

How did I get here?

"I asked you if you wanted syrup on your pancakes?" Steve says, his brows furrowed as he scans my clearly confused face. 

I take a deep breath before nodding slowly, "Yeah. Sure. I'd love some syrup." 

He hands me the bottle but his eyes never leave my face. 

After a moment of looking at me, his brows furrowing even more than before, he asks, "Is everything okay?" 

"Yes," I quickly reply, "I'm fine.."

I take the bottle of syrup and put an unnecessary amount of it on my pancakes because I'm not really paying attention. 

He wouldn't leave me. 

He loves me. 

He would stay here, for me. For us. 

He loves me. 

He wouldn't choose her, he couldn't. 

I'm the one. 

He loves me. 

I keep pouring the syrup absentmindedly until I feel a hand on top of mine. 

"I think that's plenty, sweetheart," Steve's voice says and it makes me look at him once again. 

My eyes widen slightly, although I try to keep them as normal as I can, but it's impossible. I feel the panic rising inside me again, making tears gather at the edge of my eyes as I study his face. 

"I'm sorry," I quickly exclaim before scurrying out of my seat, "I'll be right back." 

I hurry to the bathroom, practically slamming the door behind me when I feel the tears streaming down my face. I lean against the door, taking deep and raggedy breaths as I try to compose myself. 

He's not going to leave.

He wouldn't. 

He loves me. 

He said so himself. 

Stop overthinking this. 

He loves me. 

I take another shaky breath as I try to calm myself but my moment in solitude is over far too soon. 

Because suddenly I hear a knock on the door and a familiar voice following it, "Maddie, what's going on? What's happening?" 

More tears gather in my eyes and I decide to not reply, choosing to try and calm myself instead. 

When he doesn't get an answer, Steve pleads with me, "Maddie, please. Please talk to me. I'm getting worried. Did we do something wrong?" 

I close my eyes with a sigh, realizing that I have to explain. 

I have to. 

I don't want either of them to think that they overstepped, that they did something wrong. 

None of this is their fault. 

I take a deep breath and wipe the tears off my face with the back of my hand before I slowly open the door. 

When I open it I'm met with an angelic face, watching me carefully. 

His soft blue eyes meet mine hesitantly, and mine shies away from his to scan his face slowly. 

I do my best to see every part of it, to memorize it. 

I see that perfect jaw that I've been face to face with more times than I can count. It might be covered with a beard now, but it's still there, just as beautiful as ever. 

My eyes trail up to his sharp cheekbones and then further up as they spot his expressive eyebrows. 

I take in his whole face before I'm brave enough to meet his eyes. 

To meet those haunting, deep, emotional blue eyes of his. 

The ones I've seen more times than I deserve, the ones that have showed me more love than I could ever dream of. 

The ones that have been filled with hope and love, but also pain and disappointment, during the time I've known him. 

I practically choke on my words, tears pooling in my eyes when I'm finally facing him truly, and I quietly utter the words I fear so much. 

That I've feared ever since I thought I might get him back. 

"Stevie.. We need to talk.." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now