Chapter 55: Keep It Secret

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As I wake up in my bed I feel myself sandwiched between two men, their body heat radiating off of them. 

It doesn't feel weird, or wrong. It feels safe, comfortable.. right. 

Bucky's body is behind mine, holding me close with his metal arm, and as I wake up I see Steve's face in front of me, his arm also around my waist. 

I shift a little as I yawn and it wakes Steve up. 

"Hi," I say as his eyelids flutter open and he gives me a soft smile. 

"Hi.. How do you feel?" 

"Good," I reply as I nuzzle closer into Bucky's hold, his arm tightening around me as a result. I move a hand to Steve's cheek, "How do you feel?"

He leans into my touch and covers my hand with his, "I feel good too. Wasn't sure if I would. But right now, I do."

I'm gazing into his eyes, Bucky's arm holding me close, and I feel my stomach flutter. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would wake up like this. 

Steve leans down to kiss me gently before he speaks again, "You still okay with all of this?"

"Yes Stevie, of course. As long as you're okay with it, I am too. But please.. The second you're not.. If that happens.. Please tell me." I give him a soft smile that he reciprocates. 

"You know, it's weird. Considering how jealous I feel whenever Thor is around you, I thought I would feel the same about this. But I don't. Buck is different.. I love the both of you so much, I want you to be happy. I want all of us to be happy."

"Me too," I reply as I pull him in for a kiss. 

Bucky groans behind me when I inadvertently move closer to Steve as we kiss, and he swiftly pulls me back close to him, his arm strong, the metal plates clicking lightly as he does. 

Steve furrows his eyebrows as I'm pulled away from him and he glances towards Bucky with an annoyed look that makes me chuckle. 

"Oh god, it's starting already," I say and it makes him chuckle as well. 

"If he thinks he's gonna get you to himself he's entirely wrong," Steve says with a laugh as he moves closer to me, making it easier to pull me in for another kiss. 

He kisses me again and I feel the instant electricity as always, this time magnified by Bucky's arm around me, his body against mine. 

I sigh against Steve's lips as he pulls away slightly and I realize Bucky's awake when he growls in my ear, "If you're not going to include me you could at least be quiet about it."

Steve glares at him as a result and I chuckle again. 

"Boys, be nice. Share." 

"I don't like sharing," they both say in unison and I laugh louder. 

"Well, that's going to make things very difficult for all of us, then," I giggle. 

I move to my back, pulling my body away from Bucky's, so I can look at the both of them. 

I look from Bucky to Steve, giving them the same expression. 

"What happens now?" I ask, unsure of what last night actually means for all of us.

Steve looks from me to Buck, and then back to me. "I guess, whatever you want to happen, darling."

I turn my gaze to Bucky and he nods, "Yes. Whatever you want, doll."

I contemplate it for a second. I feel both of them against me as they're lying close to me and I think back to the night before. I really don't want that to be a one-off. 

"I wanna do this." I say quietly and they both look at each other before looking at me. 

Steve replies, "What does 'this' mean, exactly?" And as I glance from Steve to Bucky I can see the both of them watching me expectantly. 

"Well.." I say, trailing off a bit as I gather my thoughts, "I obviously have feelings for the both of you. And I want to explore that. With the both of you. All three of us... Is that weird?" 

They both shake their heads at me as I finish my sentence and Bucky says, "No it's not weird. But it is... unconventional." 

I look at him for a moment before I continue speaking. 

"You're right," I move my gaze to Steve, his opinion the most important one, regarding what I'm going to suggest, "It is unconventional. And maybe a bit.. risky. But I want to do it anyway."

I give them both a wide smile as I look between the two of them.

Bucky chuckles at me but Steve is a bit more serious. 

"Maddie," Steve says, "Tony almost ripped my head off when he found out about you and me.. I doubt he would be any less lenient when it comes to Bucky.. And when he finds out it's the three of us.." Steve trails off as he speaks and I see the worry on his face. 

I look to Bucky and he bites his lower lip as he watches me, his brows furrowed. 

"Yeah, okay Stevie, you're right.." I say as I contemplate our options. "Maybe we should keep this aspect of it between the three of us? For now, at least."'

"What do you mean?" Bucky asks, a metal finger tracing lightly up and down my arm. It makes me shiver instantly. 

"Well, Buck, everyone knows about me and Steve now and are starting to get used to it. Maybe we keep you secret for a while - just until we all feel it's a good time to let everyone else know. We can still be friends, hang out, but what happens in the bedroom.. We keep it between us for now." 

I shift my eyes back to Steve and he nods slightly before turning his gaze to Bucky. I move mine to Bucky as well. 

He looks at the both of us, his expression hard to read. "Okay, I can do that, I think. For now at least. But please know it won't change the fact that I want to rip your clothes off whenever I see you." As he says the last part he watches my expression carefully and I blush at his words. 

He growls, "Oh I fucking love when you blush like that," and then he leans in close to kiss me, Steve watching us as he does. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now