Chapter 153: Secrets

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*Sorry for the short chapter but I had to set it up like this to make it work! The next ones are longer, promise <3*


I wake up the next morning with Maddie's head lying on my chest. I open my eyes slowly and see Bucky holding onto her tightly as both of them are still sleeping heavily. 

I smile as I look at them both and chuckle to myself when I see Maddie's hair in a tangled mess after last night. 

I quietly grab my phone from my nightstand and check the time. It's still fairly early, so I don't have to wake either of them, which is good because I actually have something I need to do. And I don't want Maddie to know about it. 

I slowly move out of bed, making sure Maddie doesn't wake up when I move her off my chest. 

I get dressed quickly, I don't have time for a shower. I need to get this done before she wakes up. 

After quietly leaving the room I shoot Bucky a text, hoping he'll see it when he wakes up before they start looking for me. 

Steve: I'm going to get her birthday present, the one I told you about last night. Distract her while I'm gone. Just tell her I'm with Tony, otherwise she'll get suspicious. 

As I'm walking out of the building I get a text back from him. 

Buck: Got it. She's still asleep, so you're good for now. 

Steve: I'll get it done quickly, she might not even realize. 

Buck: You sure about this, Steve? 

Steve: Yeah, aren't you? 

Buck: You know I am. I just don't want her to freak out. 

Steve: Buck, we talked about this. I told you what we're going to say. It'll be fine, she won't freak out. I'm sure. 

Buck: As long as you're sure. 


After getting back to the compound I went and checked in with Shuri, to see if she needed help with any last minute things before the party tonight. 

Shuri decided to have the party the day before Maddie's actual birthday, so we could celebrate her getting a year older at midnight. It fit perfectly, because Tony and Bruce had to get back to New York on her actual birthday. Apparently they have a conference they need to get back to. 

But that also works perfectly for us, because I know Maddie would love to spend the day with Buck and I, even though she's also starting to get excited for the party. This way she gets to do both. 

And it's especially perfect because of what Buck and I have planned for her tomorrow. 


I get back to our room to see Bucky lying in bed in his sweats and hearing the water running. 

"Hey," he says, sitting up as I walk into the bedroom, "Did everything go alright?" 

"Yes," I say with a nod, "Everything's going to be perfect, don't worry Buck." 

"You got it then?"

I smile widely, "Yeah, I got it," I reply as I pat my jean pocket with my hand. 

Just as I'm about to take it out, I hear the water turning off in the shower. 

I quickly move to my duffle bag and hide it thoroughly, and as soon as I'm done, I hear Maddie walking out. 

"Hi Stevie," she says with a big smile as she towel dries her hair, "Where have you been? I missed you this morning." 

"Sorry sweetheart, needed to go see Tony, and then I saw Shuri about something for tonight."

She cocks an eyebrow at me, "Oh yeah? What?" 

"Not telling," I say with a chuckle, "It's all supposed to be a surprise, remember? Shuri made me promise." 

"I know," she says with a groan, "But I don't like secrets! I wanna know," she pouts and bats her eyelashes at me, which only makes me laughs more. 

"I know you think that's going to work, but it's not. Now get up and get dressed, you've got training with Wanda soon." 

Maddie scrunches her face at me, "I do? But I haven't trained since we got here." 

"I'm aware," I say flatly, "Which is exactly why you're going to go do it now. You can't get lazy on us, you need to be able to keep up. We are Super Soldiers after all." 

Bucky chuckles and nods, "He's right doll, get your cute ass dressed." 

"Fine," Maddie says as she goes to her dresser to get clothes, "I guess you're right. I need to make sure I'm still able to kick both of your asses if you annoy me in the future." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now