Chapter 11: Reckless

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I cannot believe this. Why would she be so reckless!

I'm not surprised by Tony and his behavior, he's been putting Peter in harms way and he is much younger and was even more inexperienced than Madeline.

But her powers are different - they're dangerous if not harnessed properly.

Just like Wanda in the beginning. Her control of them and how they are affected by her moods remind me of Wanda so much, it's scaring me.

I change into my stealth suit in my room and get my shield from the floor. While attaching it onto my back I rush out the door. I need to speak to Madeline and explain to her that she is being reckless. I need to ask her what the hell she is thinking and I only have about 5 minutes to do it at this point.

I burst through the door to her room and as I slam it behind me I yell "What the hell are you thinking Madeline?!"

I stop dead in my tracks once I see her. She turns around to face me, her long red hair swinging around as she does.

She is in a black, skin tight suit, with light blue strips all around it. She is looking absolutely breathtaking. The suit hugs her curves perfectly and for the first time she looks as powerful as she is.

"What do you want, Steve?" She answers as she crosses her arms, glaring at me.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Hang on a minute. I'm the upset one here. Why are you acting like I did something wrong? I AM TRYING TO PROTECT YOU, MADELINE."

I can't help my emotions bubbling up because I know I won't be able to protect her once we are in the field.

"Madeline, once we are out there, I can't protect you. Do you understand that? And if you fall or miss, it's not like we can just rewind like during training. You could die or get seriously injured. Do you understand that?"

At this point I feel myself starting to slightly shake as I myself realize that she could in fact die with one wrong move.

She is angry as she looks at me. "I understand Steve. I understood when I signed up for the recruitment program, I understood when Tony asked me to move into the compound, and I understood when I said yes to train to become an Avenger. Now do you understand that? Do you understand why I am here? Because I have worked very hard to get here and I won't let you ruin it for me just because you don't have faith in me."

She thinks I don't have faith in her?

I cross the room in seconds and stand right in front of her. As I look down into her eyes I offer my hands to her and she reluctantly puts hers in mine. I speak softly.

"Maddie... It's not that I don't have faith in you. I can't believe you would even think that. But if anything happened to you... I don't know what I would do. I'm so attached to you already, I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you."

She looks up at me with her bright blue eyes and leans up to kiss me. I lean down and our lips meet.

As she pulls back she calmly says, "Steve. I am attached as well and I don't know what I would do if that happened to you either. But you need to understand that I am here to become an Avenger. I was before we got together. It's my biggest goal in life. And so you need to move beyond that feeling and let me do this."

When she speaks I don't see a 21 year old girl. She is acting like the grown up here which is ridiculous, considering I'm 100. I sigh deeply.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Just.. please be careful. I will do what I can to protect you but I can't promise anything. Once I'm out there I'm no longer Steve, I'm Captain America. Roles change when in the field."

"I understand", she says and kisses me again. "We need to go."

I smile down at her as I see her walk out the room and I am kicking myself inside because I know she won't be my priority but I also know my feelings will end up messing with my head today.

Stay cool, Rogers. You're Captain America, after all. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now