Chapter 63: Regret

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I slink my way out of Bucky's arms as I wake up in bed.

I get out carefully, making sure I don't wake up any of the boys sleeping next to me. 

As I go to my bathroom I turn to the mirror and look at myself. 

Why did you do that?

I sigh deeply as I study myself in the mirror, my blue eyes scanning every part of me. 

It was easy to pretend yesterday, to distract myself, but it doesn't change the facts. 

Bucky lied to you. 

He's been lying to you this entire time. 

As tears form in my eyes I move back against the bathroom wall, the white tiles cool against my skin. I slink down to the floor and pull my knees to my chin. 

What am I doing? 

I got caught up yesterday. I got caught up in his eyes, the expression on his face. I got caught up by him. 

Because I love him

I've loved him as a friend for years but I'm quickly realizing that those feelings are evolving. They have been evolving ever since he kissed me. 

He says he has feelings for me, but he still lied to me. He lied to me. For years. How can I trust him now?

It was a mistake, kissing him yesterday. It was a mistake being with him the way I was. It was a mistake, waking up next to him this morning. 

I might be able to distract myself from reality for a certain amount of time but eventually, it all comes crashing down. And right now, I'm crashing. 

You need to go. 

i need to separate myself, for a while. 

I don't want to leave Steve but I created this mess. It's all my fault. 

I don't know how to fix it. 

Running seems like the better option. 

I crack the door open and peek into the bedroom. The two Super Soldiers currently occupying my bed are still fast asleep. I move quickly, silently, as I get clothes and pack a bag. 

I just need to get away for a while, clear my thoughts. 

I write a note and leave it on my desk before I sneak out the door. 


As I make my way down in the elevator I realize I have nowhere to go. 

My old apartment is most likely gone by now, Stark's probably taken care of that when he moved me into the compound. I'm assuming it's how he managed to get my stuff here so quickly. 

It's still early, the sun is rising, which means no-one has seen me leave. 

I do the one thing I swore I wouldn't. I put on an old baseball hat. Damn superhero disguise. Should work if you're running too, right?

My mind is shattered, I can't think straight. 

The only thing I can manage to focus on is leaving. 

Get out. Run. 

Don't get hurt again. 

The elevator stops at the garage floor and I almost grab a set of keys before I realize that the cars are probably being tracked. 

I walk out of the garage and into the sunlight. 

Where do I go from here? 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now