Chapter 147: Caught

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I'm sitting with Bucky on the couch in one of the living rooms as we're watching a movie together. 

I'm cuddled up against him and his arm is around my waist, holding me close to him. 

I lean my head into the crook of his neck, discreetly breathing in the scent of him. He smells like fresh laundry and it calms me down and soothes me, making me feel instantly relaxed. 

When I nuzzle my face into his neck, and lick the skin there, he chuckles a little, "What are you doing doll?" 

"Nothing," I mumble as my lips are still on his skin, leaving delicate kisses, "I just like being this close to you." 

When I lick a stripe over his pulse point he gasps slightly, and I feel his head turning towards me. 

I move back a little so my eyes are meeting his, and the steel blue captures me, like I'm his prisoner once again. Just like I always am.  

"I can't resist you, you know that," he mumbles as he holds my gaze. 

"Then don't," I reply with a smirk, before pulling at his t-shirt until his lips meet mine. 

The kiss is sweet and tender, and I position myself a little better in order to kiss him deeper.

I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me, and when my tongue teases his lips he parts them immediately, letting me taste him better. 

I moan quietly into his mouth, his kisses making me wild, and I don't want to end this for anything in the world. 

That is, until I hear the familiar voice. 


I retract myself from Bucky's lips immediately when I hear the loud voice and I look behind the couch in horror. 

Tony Stark is standing at the entrance of the living room, his eyes wide, his mouth open in shock, and his eyes furious. 

I scramble away from Bucky and when he notices my reaction, he looks behind us and his entire body tenses as he sees Tony standing there.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Tony yells again and I get the urge to run or hide, but neither is an option right now. 

"T-Tony," I stammer, "W-what are you doing here? Nat said you were all coming tomorrow." 

"What am I doing here?!" Tony yells as he stalks towards Bucky and I, who are still on the couch, frozen in place. 

He finally makes his way towards us and as he stands in front of us, he yells again, "What the hell are you doing?!" 

I choke on my words as I look up at him and I have no idea what to say. 

This was not part of the plan. He was not supposed to find out like this. 

I am frozen where I sit, my body not responding to anything I'm telling it right now.  I have no idea what to say, and I wince slightly when I hear Bucky speak. 

"Tony, we were just-"

"Shut the hell up, Barnes!" Tony quickly interrupts, "I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Madeline. You know, your best friends girlfriend?!" Tony gestures to me dramatically as he speaks, making me wince once again. 

I'm still in shock and speechless as Tony looks at me. 

Bucky notices and speaks again, "Tony, it's not like that, just let us-" 


I flinch at Tonys loud voice and I feel myself panicking. How the hell do I explain this?

"What's going on?" 

When I hear Steve's voice behind us, I feel relief wash over me. He walks further into the room and I watch as he assesses the situation, clearly realizing that Tony is upset. 

"What happened?" He asks as he moves towards Tony. 

Tony scowls at me, "What happened is that I saw your girlfriend kissing Barnes. I'm sorry to break this to you, Rogers, but your girl is cheating. And I'm so disappointed that she would be the one to break your heart, and not the opposite." 

He looks from me to Steve and is clearly expecting a reaction. When he doesn't get it, he furrows his brows at him. "Did you just hear what I said, Rogers?" 

Steve sighs as he looks between Bucky and I, before turning to Tony, "Yeah, I did. There's something we need to tell you, Tony." 

Tony frowns as he looks at Steve and then turns his gaze to Bucky and I. For a second he just watches me and then his eyes move to the necklace I'm wearing, and I see realization hitting him when he sees the letters on the pendant. 

He closes his eyes in exasperation, his body tense, as he takes a deep breath and mumbles, "You have got to be shitting me right now." 


I turn my head quickly and am met with Wanda and Nat running towards me from the entrance of the living room. Behind them I see Vision, Clint, Sam, Scott, Thor and Bruce. My eyes widen immediately and I quickly look back at Steve, in complete panic right now. 

When I look back at Nat and Wanda again, they're all smiling and giddy, but once Nat sees the expression on my face, she stops in her tracks. Her eyes moves from me, to Bucky sitting next to me, and to Tony. 

She reaches an arm out, stopping Wanda from running any further towards me, and quietly says, "I think we just walked in on something." 

My eyes are pleading with Nat and Wanda, whose expression has also changed very quickly. 

Thor's voice rumbles as he walks in, "Where's the birthday girl?!" 

This is a disaster. A complete and utter disaster. 

They're all filing into the room, walking towards me quickly, and I can feel Tonys eyes burning into the back of my head as I watch them get closer.


Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now