Chapter 13: Awake

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I wake up in a white room and it takes me a few seconds to adjust my eyes.

I haven't seen this place before but it quickly becomes evident that I am in a hospital bed.

I look around my surroundings and everything is white and neat but it somehow doesn't feel sterilized like normal hospitals - there are a few touches of personality.

When I look over and see the word Stark written in big letters on the machine hooked up to me I realize I must be in the medical ward at the compound.

As I wake up I am alone and confused.

The last thing I remember is blasting the 3 men attacking me on the ship. The suit had been charging from their hits and so when I finally set it off, the blast was blinding and deafening.

But as far as I remember, it went to plan.

So what am I doing here?

As I sit up in bed and start to move, Bruce and Natasha walk into the room.

"Madeline, sit still. You're still hooked up to the machine. You should be careful getting up, you were severely dehydrated." Bruce says as he positions himself in front of the bed I'm in.

"What happened?" I ask the doctor in front of me, furrowing my brows.

"The blast," Nat says, "It wiped you out. How do you feel?"

I look down to my hands and then back up at the two people in front of me.

I shake my head slightly, "I feel fine. I don't understand? What's the big deal?"

"Madeline..." Bruce replies, "You have been out cold for 3 days. We were starting to worry if you would wake up."

I look at Bruce and Nat, confused by what I was just told. That can't be right? I feel absolutely fine.

Bruce looks to Natasha and then he says, "I will give you two a moment and come back in a while. Then we can unhook you from the machines and get you to your room."

Bruce leaves the room and Natasha sits down in the chair next to the bed I'm in.

"So.. How do you feel?" She says.

"Nat, I'm fine, really. I feel absolutely fine. I don't understand?" I reply to my friend who is looking at me with a worried look.

"Maddie, we were so worried about you. The blast was enormous. The entire ship lost its power afterwards. If Steve hadn't been right there to get you immediately it could have gone terribly wrong.."

"Steve was there?" I interrupt her.

"Yes", she says, "he was running towards you to help when you blasted those guys around you. You and Wanda were being overrun and so he was coming to help. He's been worried sick about you."

I snort, "I'm sure he's more angry at me for being irresponsible than he was worried." I give her a sarcastic look.

"He's been here every day, sleeping in this chair, waiting for you to wake up. He only just left this morning because Tony needed him, he didn't want to. It's almost ironic that you would wake up the second he leaves your side. Tony has also been here every day, checking on you. He was really worried. I had no idea you two were so close."

"Yeah," I say, "He's been with me since the beginning. I didn't know I mattered that much to him either but I do see him as a father figure myself."

"Nat, how is Steve-" I begin to say, looking at her, when the door opens suddenly.

In the doorway I see Steve looking at me with a look that reads both worry and relief, all at once.

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now