Chapter 60: Do You Know That Thing?

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I'm kissing Madeline fiercely, the feeling of her clouding my entire mind. 

For 3 days, I have gotten to touch her like this. 

For 3 days, I have woken up with her in my arms, her body close to mine. 

For 3 days, I have lived a fantasy I had for such a long time that I'd given up on. 

And it's mainly because of Steve. 

Obviously, Maddie having feelings for me is a huge part of it and I am so grateful she feels the same way as I do. I haven't had anyone feel that way about me since before I went to war. 

But Steve. Steve is the reason. Had he not loved me as much as he does, had he not cared about my happiness as much as he does, this would probably never have happened. And I know that. 

I know she would have never picked me over Steve and I know she would have never done this if he hadn't told her it was okay to do it. 

As I stand here, my hands on her body and my lips on hers, I have never been more grateful for my best friend. Not even when he got me out of HYDRA.

Because this is different. He had to put his own feelings aside to let me have this. And I'm not planning on letting it go to waste. 

Sharing Maddie with Steve is easy. I love Steve. I know he loves Maddie and so watching them together is like watching me with her. Steve is a part of me, like a limb that's detached itself. I don't see him as another man, I see him as my brother, as me. 

Only, slightly taller, a bit blonder and a lot calmer. 

As I'm moving Maddie from the wall towards the bed, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I groan as I feel it, out of sheer annoyance, and I almost ignore it. The only reason I detach myself from Maddie's lips is because I know it's important because I never get texts that aren't important. Only Steve has my number and he barely even knows how to text. 

Maddie whimpers as my lips leave hers and I almost go right back to ravishing her. It's really hard to resist her. It's even harder to watch her and not be able to take her whenever I want. 

I dig my phone out of my pocket as Maddie pouts at me. 

"I'm sorry doll, but only Steve has my number and you know he doesn't text much, so it must be important." 

She nods slightly as I explain and looks at the screen as I open the text. 

Steve: I need both you and M at Tony's lab. Now. 

I groan even louder this time. "Cock-blocker." 


I kiss Maddie quickly before we leave her room knowing that I won't be able to do it again once we're out the door. 

Perhaps that part is fueling my lust, making me act like a teenager. The fact that I can't kiss her, hold her, touch her, have her, whenever I want. It's annoying. 

We go to the lab and the door is open as we get there. Steve is standing by the door as we walk in. 

"What's so urgent, punk?" I say to him as we walk in and he gives me a small smile. I was trying to make a joke but clearly, this is more serious than I thought. 

Maddie and I both walk further into the lab where Tony is standing at a table, Bruce close by. 

Tony's back is towards us and he's clearly fidgeting with something as we walk in. 

"Hey, we're here," Maddie says, "What's going on?" 

As Tony turns around and move towards us, I see the thing he was fidgeting with. 

My heart stops in my chest. 

I hitch my breath as I see the bright blue square held up by different devices, glowing. 

I stop dead in my tracks and move my metal arm in front of Maddie, holding her back, ensuring she doesn't take another step forward. 

"Buck, what's wrong?" She says as she watches my expression and looks down to my arm, currently holding her back. 

I can't respond. My gaze is fixated on the bright blue square in front of me. 

I hear Steve's voice behind me as he walks up to us, "Buck, do you know that thing?" 

I feel Tony and Bruce both watching me carefully. 

I nod, my gaze still fixated on the blue square glowing wildly. 

"You do?" Bruce asks. "Can you tell us what it is?" 

This finally makes me able to tear my gaze away from the glowing object in front of me and look at Bruce. 

"That's the thing they used on Maddie to bring out her powers." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now