Chapter 12: The Mission

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As I walk onto the quinjet I feel my nerves starting to kick in. This is terrifying as hell but also very exciting. I take a seat next to Nat and she offers me two bananas.

"I didn't see you for breakfast and I think you might need it.." She says, smirking at me.

This time I can't control my cheeks and I blush at her.

I lean in close to her and whisper, "Thank you for your help. And thank you for keeping our secret. I appreciate it."

She chuckles slightly and whispers back, "Sure thing. But I do think it won't be a secret for much longer if Steve keeps acting like that."

I smile softly at her and nod a bit in response. Today was uncharacteristic of him, I agree.

Steve walks onto the quinjet and once again I am almost melting as I see him. I don't understand why he doesn't affect me that way when we talk but as soon as I see him walk into a room, I'm like a giddy schoolgirl. He looks good in the stealth suit. Too good.

I gulp as I reluctantly take my eyes off him. I decide to focus on eating my bananas instead. Nat is right, after last night - and this morning - I am starving.

"Alright everyone." Steve begins giving out orders and he is demanding and stern which is sexy as hell.

"When we get there I want Nat to focus on clearing out the hostages. Clint you work with her. Wanda, stay with Madeline. I will need you on the deck to take out the hostiles and I might need your powers later in case of an emergency. Tony, I won't bother giving you a plan, you always end up doing whatever you want anyway."

Tony smiles at him and Vision chuckles a bit.

"Focus on freeing the hostages and ensuring everyone get's out safely - we will need to get intel from the computers later on so Vision, you take care of that part for me."

Everyone nods in agreement and I feel the excitement in my stomach as the quinjet flies over the ocean.


The quinjet flies silently across the ocean. Whenever it's a job like this it always brings me back to when I crashed the plane into the ocean. The cold water, the ice. I don't like it but I will do it if it's to save people. I have never hesitated although it does bother me every single time.

"We're here." The pilot says and I yell out, "Everyone. Parachutes ready. Or just... The ones who need them." I say with a smile.

Nat, Madeline and Clint all gear up into parachutes.

I jump out of the quinjet first, Tony and Vision following me.

I dive into the ocean and climb up the anchor until I am aboard the giant ship.

I silently take out two gunmen and I hear Clint and Nat land closely after. I see Wanda flying down and Madeline following her.

I move through the ship taking out everyone meeting me.

On the comms I hear Nat "Hostages are safe." Vision also replies that he is closing in on the computer room. I see Tony flying above, shooting anyone in sight, and then he lands on the ship and moves inside.

"Wanda," I say, "how's it going on the back end of the ship?"

Her and Madeline went to take the back while I went to the front and I realize at this point that I haven't had a status report from them yet. I don't get a response back.

"Wanda. Status report." I say, more urgently this time, as I work my way through the armed men at the front of the ship. Still nothing.

"WANDA!" I yell and then I hear Madeline's voice "We're kinda busy here Cap". Her voice sounds rough and she is panting as she talks.

I start to move faster through the men, needing to get to the back of the ship as fast as I can. As I tackle one of them he bounces back quickly and he is definitely better trained than the others. He comes back at me with full force and I fight him off with my shield but he keeps evading my hits.

I takes me longer than I would have preferred to take him down. When he finally stays down I run as fast as I can to the back of the ship. I get there just in time, seeing Wanda tackling at least a dozen gunmen, using her powers. I look desperately for Madeline but I can't see her anywhere. And then I see blue lights coming from a corner of the ship.

I run towards the light and that's when I see her. Her suit alight with blue, her fingers sparking and electric current blasting towards 3 gunmen attacking her, simultaneously. She is using the fighting technique I taught her but they are too many and they get to her and grab her. One is with his arm around her neck, the two others holding her arms down. She looks around wildly and upon realizing that Wanda can't help her, I see the fear in her eyes.

I am still running towards her but she hasn't seen me and as I am about to reach her, I go blind.

A giant white light fills the air and it sounds like a bomb going off. As the blinding lights finally fades I struggle to get back on my feet - the blast knocked me over.

I start running towards her, it seems like the bomb exploded right by her.

But when I see her standing there, panting, her suit entirely lit up In blue now, with the 3 gunmen lying at her feet, I realize it wasn't a bomb. It was her.

As I reach her she puts her hands up to defend herself but I yell "Maddie! It's me!" And she immediately recognizes me and puts her hands down.

She is still breathing heavily and her eyes look wild. "Steve." She says and I look into her eyes that are completely white. And then she collapses on the ground. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now