Chapter 199: Epilogue

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I'm sitting on the porch swing of our farm house, chuckling as I watch the situation unfolding before me. 

Bucky is doing his best to convince Beckett that the strawberry plants need proper spacing in between, or they won't grow once they've been planted. 

But the stubborn 2-year old brunette boy just looks up at him, sticking his tongue out before promptly saying, "But I want them to grow into one big strawberry!" 

Bucky chuckles and shakes his head in amusement, "Becks, that's not how it works. If we grow them too close together the plants could get sick and we won't have any strawberries at all." 

"But papa, I wan't one big strawberry!" the little boy whines again before turning his sights to me on the porch, "Mama! Papa won't let me plant one big strawberry plant!" 

Bucky scoffs at the little boy when he turns his blue puppy-dog eyes towards me, hoping that I'll side with him. It makes me chuckle again.

"Baby," I say gently, "Papa's right. They need to have space in between them or the strawberries will get sick. You don't want them to get sick, do you?" 

Beckett furrow his brows a little before slowly shaking his head. 

"Okay good," I say, "Then listen to your Papa and give them a bit of space." 

Beckett looks at me for a moment, frowning, before turning his sights back to the plants as he starts to move the one he was putting in the ground, giving it more space from the one they had already planted.

Bucky sends me a grateful smile, "Thanks doll. He's stubborn.. Wonder where he gets that from." 

I scoff, "I know exactly where he gets it from. And it's not from me!" 

Bucky laughs and shakes his head as he bends down to help Beckett move the plant. 

I grab my cup of tea and take a sip when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs from the side of the porch. 

"Hi baby," I say when I see who I was expecting, "How did it go with Fury?" 

"Hi sweetheart," Steve says before letting out an exhausted sigh, "It went fine. I told him I was retired, just like I have been telling him for three years. I'm surprised he still keeps asking." 

I smile softly as Steve makes his way over to me, kissing the top of my head before gently running his fingers through my hair. 

"How was your day?" 

I grin up at him, "Good. Bucky and Becks have been planting strawberries. It's taken them all day and they only have a handful of them planted, so you can kinda guess how Bucky is feeling by now." 

Steve laughs as he looks out at the garden where Beckett is covered in dirt as Bucky does his best to convince the little boy where the plants should go. 

"Yeah, he's a stubborn one. Gets that from his mama." 

I scoff again, "Yeah right. Like either of you are any better!" 

Honestly, the nerve of these two.

Steve chuckles and takes my hand, pulling me up from the seat on the porch swing, before he places himself on it and pulls me sideways into his lap. He wraps his arm around my back, holding me close against him. 

"How are my girls today?" He asks, placing his large hand on my swollen belly as he rubs it soothingly, "Is Sarah behaving?" 

"No," I grumble, "She's been kicking like a maniac all day. I think she wants to be a soccer player or something." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now