Chapter 43: Don't Leave Me

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Steve and I have sex before he has to leave for his mission. 

We go to his room afterwards and I watch him get dressed in the stealth suit, and it makes me want to grab him and have my way with him all over again. 

He feels me watching and glances up at me with a smirk. 

"I haven't forgotten about your fantasy. I figured it would be a nice coming-home present once I'm back." 

I grin at him, "I'll hold you to that." 

I stand up and walk to him, sliding my hands up over his chest, feeling the leather against my skin. 

"It should be illegal for people to look this good." I lick my lips at the sight and he chuckles. 

"Don't do this to me. You know I can't resist it." He leans down and kisses me hard before pulling away. 

"I have to go," he says as he grabs the shield from the floor. 

"I know," I say quietly. I watch him hook the shield onto his back as he moves back to me once again. 

"I'll be back soon," he says, caressing my cheek. I lean into his touch, his glove warm and comforting against my skin. 

"I know, I just.. We haven't been away from each other like this before."

He looks at me with his big blue eyes. "I know sweetheart. It's only until tomorrow." 

I look at his face, drinking him in. 

I'm scared of being alone. Scared of him leaving me. Scared of the fact that he won't be back until tomorrow and that I'll be sleeping alone tonight. Scared of the nightmares that I'm sure will be haunting me. 

He reads my face and pulls me closer, "Hey, it'll be alright. If anything happens, call. And Bucky will be here. Go to him if you need it." 

I blush as Steve mentions his name and look down, biting my lip. 

He grabs my face with both hands now, raising it towards his. "He's still Bucky. He will be there if you need anything. Don't worry so much." He leans down and kisses me and I pull him closer, not ready to let him go. 


I watch Steve walk onto the quinjet with Nat, Wanda and Sam. I didn't realize until now that everyone I care about would be going, without me. Everyone except Bucky, who I just did something really awkward with yesterday. 

I glance towards Buck standing off to the side, his arms crossed, obviously just as worried as I am about Steve leaving. 

He feels me looking and meets my eyes. As he does he gives me a soft smile, moving towards me. I feel my heart race as he moves closer, but as he stands next to me and puts an arm around my waist, I suddenly feel safe again. I lean my head on his shoulder as the quinjet leaves. 


I spend most of the day in my room, trying to distract myself from the fact that Steve isn't here and won't be here until tomorrow. 

I miss him already. 

We've been without each other before, sure. But it's the fact that I know he won't be back until tomorrow, that he's not just somewhere in the compound working, that nags at me. 

I worry about how the mission is going and if he's alright. 

I know if something happens, Tony will let me know, but it doesn't stop me from worrying. 

I try to distract myself by reading, watching movies, looking through mission files. 

After hours of not being able to focus properly I decide to go train. 

At least my powers will be able to distract me. 

I go to the empty gym and settle in at the punching bag for a warm up. 

I punch it over and over, the thoughts of Steve getting hurt and that I won't even know if he does, giving me fuel. 

As I'm punching the bag the vision flashes through my mind. 

The entire scenery changes. I am no longer in the training room. I am outside, the ground looks scorched. All around me I see bodies lying on the ground. The sky is dark, gloomy. There are no stars, no city lights. The air is foggy and smells of smoke. Everything in this place seems.. dead. Hopeless.

I turn around, looking at my surroundings. And that's when I see it.

The damaged shield, lying on the ground, shattered into pieces.

I panic, frantically I start looking around for him, screaming his name.

As it burns through my mind I feel my entire body tingle and I release a sudden flash of power, directed towards the punching bag. 

It flies back, shattering into tiny pieces. 

I'm panting as I watch the pieces of material fly to the ground, completely ripped to shreds, not even resembling what it was just a few seconds ago. 

My hands are glowing wildly, a different way than I've ever seen before. The blue glow envelops my hands, almost like gloves, and I raise one to study it. 

I've never seen it like this before. 

I move my hand quickly and a powerful burst follows, a loud boom erupting from my movement. 

I'm breathing heavily, trying to calm myself down, but it's not working. 

I feel the power bubbling up inside of me, raising me from the ground like it did before, but this is different. 

This isn't electricity coming out of me, they don't look like lighting like I'm used to. This is pure, dense, energy. Glowing blue around me. 

As I'm raised off the ground I look around the gym. I spot a mattress on the floor and I direct a shot towards it, once again shattering it to pieces. 

What the hell is going on?

I hear the door to the gym open with a slam and a yell and I feel my powers evaporate instantly, dropping me to the floor with a loud thump. 

As I land on the floor I feel the hard wood against my body and it hurts. 

Once I open my eyes I see Bucky above me, panting and scared, studying me. 

"Are you okay?!" He practically yells, his hands moving up and down my body to find any signs of a break or fracture. 

"Yeah," I say, out of breath, the air having been knocked out of me when I landed on the floor. "I'm fine." 

"I heard loud noises, like a bomb going off! What happened?!" 

"I think I found another part of my powers.." I say, trailing off as I look down at my hands that now look completely normal. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now