Chapter 85: Freight Car

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Maddie is grinding against me on the dance floor and my hands are digging into the smooth material of her dress. As she moves against me again I feel myself hardening and I dig my fingers so hard into her hips that I'm sure there'll be marks in the morning.

Once Steve comes and kisses her, I feel her reaction as she grinds into me even further. It only fuels me on and as I watch them I want to grab her and kiss her myself.

Before I can, she turns around and quickly connects our lips, our tongues meeting immediately. I can taste the drink on her lips and I feel her body against mine. I can smell her perfume and the entire experience is intoxicating.

I completely forget where I am for a moment, drunk off her and what she does to me. But I'm quickly pulled back to reality when I hear him.

"Look at that whore. She just kissed the blonde one and was grinding up on the one in the leather jacket, and now she's kissing him while the blonde is grinding on her. I guess you can get a girl to do whatever you want as long as you pay enough." 

My mind goes blank as I pull myself away from Maddie and quickly storm through the crowd and head for the man at the bar. I heard him clear as day and I see him watching me as I walk towards him. As he opens his mouth, probably about to say a stupid remark, I grab him by the throat and slam him onto the table of the bar. 

"What the fuck did you just say?!" I growl, my eyes boring into his as my metal hand tightens around his throat. He's gasping for air as I hold him down, his hands on my wrist trying to pry me off him. But I hold him down, in complete control as I ask him again. 

"Come on. Repeat what you said. What the fuck did you just call her?!" 

He replies a strained "I'm sorry," but I don't let go of him. I move closer, my face inches from his, my eyes still boring into him, "Don't you fucking ever talk about her - or any other woman - like that. Understand?" 

As he tries to nod I feel a hand on my arm and hear Steve calmly say, "Buck, let him go." 

I turn my head to face him, my metal hand still tight around the strangers throat, "Did you hear what he said?!"

"I know," Steve replies, "I'm not saying you shouldn't have done it. All I'm saying is you should let him go now." 

I stare at Steve for a second, not wanting to let this piece of shit go, and then I feel a hand on my back and I know immediately who it is as the electricity starts to flow through my body. 

"James, let's go home." 

As soon as she says it I let him go and move back. He gets up, still gasping for air, and I stare him down once again, "Next time you should think before you speak. Asshole." 


Steve is driving us back home as I sit in the back with Maddie. Her hand is on my thigh, stroking lightly, as she watches me. For a while I don't say anything, ashamed of how I acted. I shouldn't have done that, I know, and she's probably angry and upset that I did. 

I sigh deeply before I finally turn to her. "I'm sorry," I say quietly as my eyes meet hers. 

She furrows her brows at me, "For what?" 

I look at her confused, "For making a scene. Grabbing that guy. Shouldn't have done that.." 

She takes my hand in hers and kisses my palm, "James, I know you. For you to have done that he must have said something really terrible. I don't want to know what it was. But thank you." 

"For what? I reacted completely impulsively and I ruined our night.." I reply, trailing off. 

She puts a hand on my cheek, "Thank you for standing up for me, for protecting me. Thank you for loving me. And the nights not over yet, don't worry so much." And then she leans in and kisses me.

The kiss is gentle and tender at first and I feel relief wash over me as I feel her lips on mine. I love her so much, I never want anyone to speak to her or about her like that. 

As she continues to kiss me I feel myself get excited again and my instincts take over.

I lean into the kiss and grab the back of her neck with my metal hand, pulling her closer to me. She got me all worked up earlier and I never got a release. In fact, she's been getting me all worked up ever since she came back and I haven't gotten a release yet. 

As I tease her lips with my tongue she opens up slightly, allowing me entry. Our tongues meet and I can still taste the drink she had, sweet and fruity. I move my hand up her naked thigh and she mewls into my mouth which makes me groan. 

I hear Steve clear his throat in the driver seat but I don't care. She looks too good, she tastes too good, she smells too good for me to be able to stop. That guy at the bar got my blood burning, disrespecting her, and the adrenaline is still running through me which doesn't help. 

I lean further into her, guiding her down in the seat as I continue kissing her. I just need to feel her, her body, friction, anything

Steve clears his throat again and I pull away from Maddie as I growl at him, "What?!" 

He chuckles, "You're suffocating her." 

I look down at Maddie and her cheeks are flushed as she watches me. "Am I suffocating you, doll?" I ask her softly, my eyes meeting hers. 

She shakes her head slowly. 

"Apparently she's enjoying it so stay out of it, punk," I say to Steve before I dive back down and lock my lips onto hers again. Steve's just jealous he has to drive the car and can't do this right now. 

I move myself between her legs, my pants tight from my growing erection. As I finally feel her against me I groan into her mouth and heat courses through my body. 

She moans into my mouth as I grind my erection into her and her hands moves to my waist, pulling me closer. I don't want to wait to fuck her until we get back, I want to do it here, now. 

But I know I shouldn't. 

As I pull back from her lips, panting, she smiles at me sheepishly and moves her hand down my torso until it rests on the erection in my jeans. She strokes it lightly, smiling up at me and my eyes close as I relish in the feeling. She hasn't touched me like this since she left. 

I lean back down, hovering over her, and whisper in her ear, "Doll, I don't want to take it slow, anymore." 

"I know James," she whispers back, "You won't have to, much longer." 

My pants tighten even more at her words and I lean back up to look at Steve, growling, "Drive faster." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now