Chapter 193: Filthy

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*Uhhh.. This was supposed to be a soft, cuddly chapter but my mind is fucked. So here's some quick but filthy morning sex with Bucky. And I mean FILTHY. The breeding kink is HEAVY, once again, and it's just a lot of cum and a lot of talk about cum and just... It's just filthy, possibly too much, I sincerely apologize, I don't know what came over me.....*


I wake up the next morning being practically smothered. 

Half of Bucky's heavy body is draped over me, his head on my chest as his arm is wrapped around my waist. One of his legs is tangled with mine and the firm grip his arm has on me makes it practically impossible to move.

When I try to stretch my legs out, I groan and wince, the soreness hitting me abruptly. 

Last night was a long one, to say the least. I feel like I've been hit by a truck, my head is groggy and my limbs feel like jelly. 

I turn my head to the side, expecting to see Steve there, but the spot next to me is empty. I furrow my brows once I realize, quickly stretching my neck to try and see if he's somewhere in the room. He isn't. 


Bucky's head is still on my chest and he grumbles in his sleep when I try to move, the arm around my waist tightening around me even more in response. I slide my hand up his back to his hair, running my fingers through it gently as I whisper, "Hey Buck. Do you know where Stevie is?" 

Bucky grumbles again as he nuzzles his face into my chest, huffing, "No, 'm sleeping.." 

I chuckle softly, my nails scratching his scalp a little as I whisper, "Yeah, yeah, sorry for bothering you, mr. grumpy." 

He huffs again, shaking his head slightly, "Not grumpy. Sleepy." 

I smile at his antics, letting my fingers trail down from his hair to the side of his face and over his scruff as I teasingly whisper, "Oh, not grumpy, huh? You sound grumpy." 

He lets out a hmpf at my words, rubbing his face on my skin before he stretches where he's laying, his arm reaching out on the other side of me. 

His hand moves around the bed a little, grabbing at the sheet, before his brows furrow, his head lifting off my chest as he opens his eyes, "Where's Stevie?" 

I chuckle again, and when he turns his head to look at me, I pinch his cheek, "That's what I was saying. Thought maybe you knew." 

He frowns, glancing at the empty spot next to me, before resting his head on my chest, looking back at me, "No, I didn't hear him leave." 

"Hm," I say as I run my fingers through his hair again, "That's odd. You usually wake up." 

"Yeah," he says with a yawn, "He's probably gone for a run or something." 

I scoff, shaking my head, "He's crazy. Can't believe he likes running in the morning."

"I know," Bucky says with a frown, "That's why I always said he was a punk. Why would he want to go for a run when he has the option to stay in bed with you?"

I giggle when he maneuvers himself between my legs and start kissing up my collarbones, blowing raspberries as he goes. 

"Stop it!" I say with a laugh, squirming under him, but he keeps doing it as he mumbles, "Nope, not gonna." 

He lays his heavy body down on top of me, nuzzling his face into my neck, and his scruff tickles my skin as he whispers, "He's missing out." 

I wrap my arms around his back, my fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck, and then I wrap my legs around his waist to get more comfortable. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now