Chapter 158: Edith

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*Hi guys! I realise I made a lot of you very upset with my previous chapter.. And of course all of your questions will be answered.


So instead of explaining, I've decided to.. not address it all! 

Enjoy this chapter, we are picking up right where we left off!*


We all have cake and sit and talk for a while. I listen to Tony's stories about what he's been up to since I left, and he also keeps apologizing that he won't be able to be here tomorrow, for my actual birthday. 

"Bruce and I have to go to this conference. Normally I would have cancelled, but I got the notice to come here a bit late and I'm the keynote speaker, so I have to go back," he says, eating another piece of cake. 

"It's okay Tony, I understand. You still came to my party, that's all that matters. Thank you for coming all this way just to celebrate my birthday, it means the world to me." 

Tony smiles softly at me, "Of course I came, kid. You mean a lot to me." 

Then he gets up from his seat suddenly, "Oh shit, that reminds me. I have a present for you." 

I furrow my brows at him, "Tony, you didn't have to get me anything. You came all this way, that's enough for me." 

He chuckles, "Wish you would have told me that sooner, would have saved me a lot of trouble." He smiles widely at me as he goes to get a bag from the corner of the room, digging through it until he takes out a slim box. 

He hands me the box and I look at him quizzically, "Did you get me a pair of glasses?" I chuckle a little as I look back at the box. 

He shrugs, "Yeah, you're getting older. Sight is the first to go," he says with a laugh and I roll my eyes at him, shaking my head in amusement.

Once I open the box, I realize that, while he did in fact give me glasses, these are definitely not just for my vision. 

They look like a slightly different version of his own, but instead of a grey tint, these ones have an orange tint to them.

I look up at him in shock, "Tony, are these just normal glasses, or...?" 

He smiles smugly, "Like I would ever just give you a pair of normal glasses, kid. Put them on." 

I gently pick up the glasses from the box, putting them on carefully. Part of me is terrified that I'll break them. 

He taps on the side of my glasses, "Now talk to her. Her name is EDITH." 

"Edith?" I say in confusion and as soon as I do, the glass lights up, scanning the room. 

"Hello miss," a female voice says and my entire body tenses up at the sound. 

"H-hi," I nervously stammer, looking up at Tony. Only I can't see him properly, because the glass is filled with all different kinds of information, impossible for me to navigate. 

I blink a few times, my eyes getting irritated, and I feel Tony gently removing the glasses from my face. 

"Takes a bit to get used to. Don't worry, I'll go through all of it with you when I'm back - or you are. I'll show you how to use them properly. It's easy, you'll learn quickly." 

I'm still in shock as I look up at Tony, my voice a quiet whisper, "You made me a pair of glasses like your own?" 

He smiles widely, "Kid, why wouldn't I? This way we can stay in touch easily. You can call me anytime on these. And they'll help on your future missions. Like a real Avenger." 

Nat scoffs, "What about the rest of us, Tony? We don't deserve glasses? We're real Avengers too." 

I turn to look at Nat with a laugh and quickly notice that everyone around us is staring in shock at the gift Tony just handed me. 

I look at Steve and his eyebrows are raised in surprise. He smiles softly and nods when he notices me looking. 

Once I glance at Bucky his expression is different. His brows are furrowed and he looks thoroughly confused. I guess he doesn't really understand what's going on right now. 

"Romanoff, once you and I are so close that I consider you as a daughter, you can have a pair of glasses too. Want to start now?" Tony says with a smirk. 

"Not gonna happen," Nat says quickly before diving back into the piece of cake on her plate. 

I chuckle again and stand up from the couch, facing Tony. 

"Thank you so much. This is everything. I can't believe this, Tony, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal as I pull him in for a tight hug and he huffs a little at the pressure before wrapping his arms around me. 

"You're welcome kid," he says as he holds me tight, placing a kiss on the top of my head, "Take good care of them."

"I will," I say as I squeeze him a little tighter, "I promise I will." 


We all sit around after that, drinking and laughing. It almost reminds me of a party at the compound, except this time, Shuri and T'Challa are also there. 

And Shuri is a hell of a good time when she drinks. 

"SHOTS!" She yells loudly as she walks back from the bar, quickly shoving a glass into my hand. 

"What is it?" I ask as I look up at her but she only laughs and says, "Doesn't matter! Just drink it!" 

She downs the shot in a quick swoop and I shrug before following suit. The liquid burns in my throat on it's way down and I cough a little at the taste. 

I scrunch my face at her, "That's awful!" 

"I know!" She laughs as she hands me another one, "Isn't it great?" 

"Not really," I mutter as I hold the glass in my hand, but she just laughs loudly, drinking another one. 

I look a bit at the liquid in the glass, not ready to do another one, and then I notice Steve on the couch opposite of me. He's watching me carefully, and when we lock eyes he shakes his head a little, trying to discourage me from taking it. 

I glance to Bucky, who's sitting next to him, and he cocks an eyebrow at me. Neither one of them wants me to take this shot. 

Which is what makes me want to take it. 

I keep eye contact with Steve as I down my second shot, the burning not as bad this time. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before grinning at him, and he looks at me in utter disappointment. Bucky is chuckling next to him, and then he leans in and whispers something. Steve nods slowly, not taking his eyes off me, and it makes me squirm in my seat. 

Before I can go over there to try and charm them into not getting mad at me, someone is pulling me off the couch by the arm. 

"Let's dance!" Wanda says with a laugh as she drags me onto the floor, giggling while doing it. 

"How much have you had to drink, Wanda?" I ask as I see her dancing around the floor sloppily, her cheeks completely flushed. 

"Not enough!" She yells above the music, and it makes me laugh again. 

"I can fix that," Nat says as she walks up to us and before I know it, I've taken my third shot within ten minutes. 

Nat and Wanda start dancing and laughing and I turn my head to glance at the boys. 

The look that meets me is terrifying to say the least. They're both watching me, their eyes narrowed and jaws tense. 

Nat pulls me back to her and Wanda, "Stop worrying about your soldiers, it's your birthday. Deal with it later!" 

I smile at her and start dancing with the two of them, deciding she's right. I'll deal with it later. 

At least, I know I'll have to. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now