Chapter 179: Like a Tattoo

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Steve slowly starts stripping me of my clothes as Bucky's fingers caress my face gently. 

I'm looking into his steel blue eyes as he smiles softly at me while Steve dresses me down, patiently and asking permission before he does. 

"Let us know if you feel uncomfortable at any point, okay?" Steve whispers when he moves down to pull off my jeans. 

I nod quietly, keeping eye contact with Bucky. 

When Steve stops his motions and clears his throat dominantly, I look towards him with furrowed brows, confused. 

"Use your words, baby," he says with a soft smile and it feels like a fucking fire set alight inside me. 

I clear my throat a little as I look down at him where he's kneeling on the floor, "Yes Captain. I'll let you know." 

His eyes light up at the nickname but he doesn't push it, clearly having noticed my general hesitation in all of this. 

He gives me a quick nod before he helps me get rid of my jeans. Then he moves up, pulling off my shirt, leaving me only in my bra and panties. 

That's when Bucky's eyes change, his brows furrowed as his gaze runs over my body. 

For a moment it makes me self conscious and it feels like all of my worst fears were just confirmed. 

I'm older now, I look different.. They're not attracted to me anymore..

But I'm quickly corrected when he speaks. 

"What is that?" He whispers as his fingers move to gently trail my ribs on the left side. 

I suddenly realize that he's looking at the tattoos, and before I can even say anything, Steve has moved in front of me as well, his gaze locking onto the spot right beneath my heart. He drops to his knees to inspect it further and I feel myself blushing instantly. 

"Are those our initials?" Steve whispers as his fingers trail the tattoos as well, and I nod slightly as my eyes meet his. 

"You got our names tattooed on you, doll?" Bucky asks and it makes me look back up at him. 

His eyes are wide and vulnerable, and they keep glancing between my eyes and the tattoos on my ribcage. 

"Yes," I reply quietly, "I've had it for years now. I would have warned you both, but I kinda forgot it was there.." 

I feel shy as both of their hands touch my skin gently, tracing over the writing as they both study it. 

"I can't believe this," Bucky whispers as he drops to his knees next to Steve, "I can't believe you would do this." 

I blink a few times, suddenly worried that they don't like it, as I say, "I-I can get it removed if you don't-"

I'm interrupted by both of them saying, "No!" as they look up at me. 

"No, absolutely not. Don't get it removed," Steve says as he looks up at me. 

"Yeah why the fuck would we want you to remove it?" Bucky asks with furrowed brows before his gaze drops to the writing once again, "I want everyone to know who you belong to and there's no better way than this.."

I smile softly as I watch them both, entranced by the writing. Steve's hand trails down my stomach, his touch leaving a tingling feeling on my skin as it slides over my hip and down my thigh. 

"Still so beautiful..." he whispers as his eyes follow where his hand touches, and it makes butterflies tumble around my stomach. 

"Yeah, our girl," Bucky responds quietly as his hand moves to my waist while his eyes roam down my body momentarily before making their way back up to the tattoo. 

Steve hums as his gaze slowly moves back up my body before stopping at the tattoo again. 

My hands move to their hair, running through it softly, and I chuckle a little when they both just keep staring at the tattoos. 

"Boys.. I understand if that's what you'd rather do right now.. but it'll also be there tomorrow, you know.. Is there really nothing else you would rather do right now?" 

I smirk a little as they both look up at me, Steve swallowing thickly as Bucky clears his throat. 

Both of them stand up simultaneously, albeit clumsily, before Steve says, "Yes, there is something else we'd rather do. You're right. So be a good girl and lie down for us. Please."

He kisses me softly, clearly testing the waters, and I feel excitement running through me as I kiss him back and nod before lying down on the bed. 

When I see them both watching me I spread my legs slowly, still feeling a bit shy in front of them after so many years of being alone.  

But I know I'm soaked right now, my need for them has been growing ever since I first saw them, and until now I've tried to hide it. 

But there's no use because, as per usual, my two soldiers see right through me. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now