Chapter 53: Choose

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I enter my bedroom and both Steve and Bucky are there. 

Steve is standing a little away, his arms crossed, while Bucky is sitting on my bed. 

"We talked." Steve says, his voice strained. 

I look from him to Bucky who is looking at me like he's in pain. 


"And.." Steve says as he walks to me. He positions himself close in front of me, his arms still crossed as he bows his head down a little. He looks up at me, cautious. "Bucky does have feelings for you. From what I've gathered, you feel the same way. Partly, at least. And he plans on leaving for good, depending on what you want." 

I swallow a thick lump in my throat and my mouth goes dry, unsure of what to say. 

I look from Steve to Bucky. 

Bucky stands up and walks up to me, standing next to Steve. He inhales deeply before speaking. 

"We need to know what you want," He says quietly as he looks at me, his arms at his sides. 

"You want me to choose between the two of you?" I ask, confused. Steve reaches a hand out to me, taking mine in his gently. 

"It's not fair to either of us if you don't," he says, his voice soft and careful as he speaks. I was expecting him to be angry but his expression tells me he's more confused, maybe hurt, than angry. 

I love Steve more than anyone, or anything, in the world but Bucky has been my closest friend for years. That friendship might have evolved a little, lately, but that doesn't change the history between us. I don't have the conscience or the determination to send either of them away.

I can't lose either of them. I don't want to. I don't want my nightmare to come true, I don't want to lose them both, but just like my nightmare, I am unable to choose between which one to save and which one to sacrifice. 

"I.. I can't do that," I say as I step back a little, dropping Steve's hand from mine. 

They both turn to look at each other, an unspoken moment between them, before looking back at me. 

"Then what do you want, Maddie?" Bucky asks me. His voice is deep as he speaks, his eyes staring into my soul as they always do. 

I furrow my eyebrows to look from him to Steve. Steve is staring at me with the same expression, mirroring Bucky. 

I move back a little further, confused and unsure about the situation, and feel myself backing up against the door. 

Steve moves closer to me, effectively trapping me between him and the door, his hard body against mine. 

My heart is pounding out of my chest, my breathing picking up, fast and shallow as I watch his face. 

He's looking down at me, his eyes emotional.

"You want both of us. Is that it?" He moves a hand to my cheek before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. His hand caresses my cheek a little as he moves it down my collarbone. His fingers trace my skin lightly and it's making me weak at the knees. 

I glance behind him and see Bucky watching me intensely. His eyes are dark, just like the other night in the lounge area. I recognize the look instantly and as I look back at Steve, I see another look I recognize instantly. 

Steve's still watching me expectantly, waiting for my answer. 

I hold his gaze for a few seconds before I nod slowly. 

"Okay. We can work with that," he says as he glances back to Bucky who moves towards me in an instant. 

Steve leans down and pulls me in for a kiss, his hand moving to the back of my neck. 

I exhale deeply as he does, relief washing over me as well as something else. 

As I feel a hand grabbing me by the waist tightly, I open my eyes to see Bucky in front of me, standing closely next to Steve. 

Steve pulls back from me and looks to Bucky. He then looks back to me and nods quickly as he gives me a reassuring smile. 

I look back at him, unsure. It feels like I'm doing something I shouldn't.

"Go ahead," he says slowly, "I won't know how I feel about it until I see it for myself." 

I'm scared of kissing Bucky. Sacred of hurting Steve. But I also know I really want to and that I want to feel both of them. Be with the both of them. 

Bucky leans in closer to me, his metal hand on my cheek, caressing it lightly. I lean into his touch as my eyelids flutter close, enjoying the feeling of him close to me again. 

As I open my eyes I see him with that same look I've seen before. 

He moves his hand down to the side of my neck, not tightly or hurting me, but in control of my motions. Then he pulls me to him quickly and before I know it, his mouth is on mine once again. 

I feel the excitement immediately, the electricity having already been running through my veins, fueling me, after Steve's kiss. They only get stronger as I feel Bucky's lips on mine. 

He is slow this time, hesitant. Waiting for me to change my mind. 

Once he pulls away from me I'm panting. So many emotions are running through me right now, so many thoughts are confusing me. 

I look back to Steve, worried about what I'll see. But he only stares at me hungrily. 

"Do it again," he says quietly and the second he does, Bucky pulls me in again. 

I feel Steve's hands move to my body, his fingers caressing my skin. He moves from my shoulders to my arms, my side, my waist. He moves down and caresses my thigh, slowly inching closer to my - now - heated core. 

I grab Steve by the neck as I kiss Bucky, and pull him towards me, breaking the kiss from Bucky and kissing Steve feverishly. 

Steve's hands are all over me now and he guides me away from the door and towards my bed. I feel Bucky watching us as he does and I look up to see him looking at me. Just like last time, he's looking at me like I'm his next meal. But the difference is, this time, I might just be. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now