Chapter 38: That's a.. Ring

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The next day I wake up early, Steve's arms wrapped tightly around me as he spoons me from behind. 

I have an early morning training with Wanda today - we scheduled it earlier than usual to give us more time to go shopping with Nat afterwards. 

I try to squirm my way out of Steve's hold but it's iron tight - I shift slightly and he groans in my ear. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispers, his voice deep and raspy from sleep. 

"I have training," I say, smiling at the feeling of him pressed up against me, holding on to me for dear life. 

"Now? I'm usually the one with the morning plans." He kisses me right underneath my ear and I feel his hot breath against my neck, tickling me. 

"I know but I have plans later so we moved it up." 

That makes him move me around and furrow his eyebrows at me once I'm facing him.

"You have plans? Since when?" He asks with a chuckle. 

"Since yesterday." I smile at him confidently. 

"What are you doing?" He asks as his fingers trace up and down my arm. 

"None of your business," I say smugly and he raises his eyebrows at me, clearly amused by my cockiness. 

"Oh well, excuse me then." He laughs as he leans down to kiss me. 

"It's a secret," I say as I kiss his cheek and move to get out of bed. 

He pulls me back down to him roughly and I laugh. 

"Steve! I have to go. You'll see me later." I pull myself out of his grasp and he gives me puppy dog eyes as he looks up at me.

"I don't like this secrecy business you got going on."

I turn back to him with a big grin, "That sounds like a you-problem," and then I hurry to the bathroom as I see him moving up from the bed, trying to pull me back down.


I have training with Wanda and it goes alright. I try to force my power through me like yesterday but with no luck. In the back of my mind I know why it's not working and it's very frustrating. 

"It's weird you're not able to do it again," she says as she studies me, her arms crossed and her head leaning on her fist. 

"Yeah," I say, trying to sound nonchalant, "Really weird. Anyway, we could try something else?" 

She narrows her eyes at me. I look back at her with confusion, "What?"

"You're hiding something," she says flatly as she moves her arms to her sides. 

"No I'm not," I quickly say, trying to act normal. 

"Yeah.." She says, "You are. If you won't tell me, that's fine. You know I have other ways of finding out." 

I widen my eyes at her, "Don't you dare," scared of the threat of her reading my mind. 

"Oh, so there is something? Spill." She smiles at me smugly. 

I sigh. "I can't Wanda. Really. I can't." 

She scans my face with narrowed eyes, clearly contemplating whether she should just force it out of me or not. Eventually she speaks. 

"Okay. I'll let it go. For now." 


After training we meet up with Nat and she drives us to the city in a car from the garage. I don't know if the cars in the garage are Tony's or the Avengers' but they're all very nice and expensive-looking. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now