Chapter 99: Seeing Red

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Tony just got engaged and I'm truly happy for him, but no matter how hard I try to push it away, I can't stop thinking about what Bucky told me. 

I felt okay as I spoke to him, but watching her now, thinking about him being with her without me, and especially the fact that he got to do it first... 

That I haven't been with her alone since before she left and then she chooses him... It makes my blood boil. 

And she didn't even tell me. 

I'm not typically a very angry person, but I am jealous and slightly possessive, albeit not in the same scale as Bucky. 

Either way, it bothers me and it makes me angry. Angry at Bucky because he got her, but more angry at her because I wasn't on her mind when she did it. 

It gives me flashbacks to when she left and the things she did while she was gone. How she was able to just leave me behind, and then when I finally found her, hoping she was as upset as I was, all I found was her going out and getting close to boys. 

I remember being so angry with her back then, and I was equally angry with her when I brought her back here. 

But this is different. 

I realize it's not entirely her fault, I realize we never talked about boundaries. And when Bucky called me out on it, I realized I don't really have a right. I agreed to this, and I never voiced my opinion on the matter. But it doesn't change the facts. 

She's mine. That's how I feel. 

And I might share her with Bucky from time to time, but in general, she's mine. 

I watch her as she speaks to Nat and Wanda and I stand next to her, not saying a word. After a while she senses my tension and turns to me, "Is everything okay Stevie?" 

I look down at her, our eyes meeting, and I feel my anger wash away. 

"Yeah, fine, I just have some stuff on my mind," I reply with a smile. 

She smiles softly before kissing my cheek and then she turns back to her conversation. 

An hour goes by and I almost feel like I'm fine, I'm okay with it. I've been able to tell myself it didn't mean anything, that she didn't tell me because she didn't know it would bother me. That it's not because she chose Bucky over me - that it's not because she loves him more than me. 

I keep glancing down at the ring on my finger, a ring she gave me to show just how much I mean to her. A ring she gave me to make it known to the world that I belong to her. Just like she belongs to me. 

And the thoughts make me feel calm again. It makes the doubt creep away, slowly. And after a while I feel like it's all okay, I'm just overreacting. 

That is, until I see Bucky approaching her at the bar. As I see his fingers graze hers, and her leaning in to whisper something to him, my blood starts boiling again and I see red. 

Once she walks back to me, I quickly grab her hand and practically drag her out of the party and down the hallway to the rooms. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now