Chapter 24: Mjölnir

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Steve is kissing me passionately as I stroke his erection through his jeans.

I hear his groans in between kisses and I can tell he's getting more heated by the second. I pull myself away from him to look up into his eyes.

"You really are a teenager. Aren't you?" I tease.

He chuckles as he looks down at me but his eyes are still filled with lust.

He pulls me back in for a short kiss before he speaks, "With you I am. I've never experienced this kind of lust before. It's driving me mad.. It's becoming a bit of an inconvenience if I'm being honest."

He's still smiling down at me and I know he's teasing but I also think part of it is true. 

"I'm sorry I'm affecting you this much.." I say with a shy smile as I look up at him.

He kisses me again before smiling genuinely down at me and saying, "Please. Don't be. I actually quite enjoy it for the most part."

He takes a step back from me and let me compose myself for a second. I go to the mirror to check that I don't look too flushed and I adjust his hair that I just majorly tousled.

After adjusting ourselves we walk back out to the party. Before we reach the lounge area, and while we are still alone in the hallway, Steve pulls me back to him and kisses me a final time. 

"It's becoming really hard to pretend," he says, "all I want to do is be around you and hold you, kiss you, touch you."

"I know Stevie," I say, "I feel the same. Maybe we should plan out what our next move should be, tomorrow?"

He locks eyes with me and, while his hands are still around my waist, he says, "Yeah, I'd really like that."

We walk into the party roughly the same time but separate. It has died down a little at this point and it's mainly people I know left.

Wanda and Nat are sitting in the lounge area and I go to join them.

I see Steve walk past and he gives me a smile as he passes me in the lounge area. He goes to the bar where Sam, Bucky and Thor are standing around. He's probably hoping to get some more of that godly alcohol Thor has.

"And where have you been, innocent one? This is the second time you and Rogers have mysteriously disappeared. At the same time. Very suspicious." Natasha asks, batting her eyelashes at me.

"Oh, just.. here and there. You know. Mingling." I answer with an innocent voice.

Wanda and Nat both laugh and Wanda says, "Oh yeah, mingling? Tell me, how is Steve's tongue doing? Did you guys catch up?"

This makes Nat burst out laughing, almost spitting out her drink in the process.

I laugh loudly at Wanda's joke and it's hard for me to contain it. It's true but it's also very funny.

"Steve's tongue is doing fine," I answer nonchalantly, "Thank's for asking. I'll tell it you said hi."

We are all laughing loudly and it attracts the attention of the boys at the bar, as well as some of the others in the room.

Thor, Sam, Bucky and Steve all come toward us and sit on the opposite couch. Thor places Mjölnir on the coffee table as he sits down.

Clint, Tony, Scott and Bruce joins and sit on the third couch to the right from us. Vision joins as well and plants himself next to Wanda on the couch.

"What's so funny?" Tony asks as he sits down, "I wasn't here so who else knows how to make jokes? And don't say Rogers because I know that's not true."

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now