Chapter 160: Safeword

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Once we're back in the room, Bucky drops me onto the bed and I look up at him with wide eyes. 

I've seen this look on both of their faces before, but it's only been once before that I've seen it on both of them at the same time. 

And although that was some of the best sex I've ever had, it also left me completely wrecked. 

"Doll," Bucky says as he goes to the dresser and brings out a cloth, "This time we need to agree on some things, before anything happens." 

He starts cleaning off his metal fingers with the cloth as he finishes his sentence, and for a while he stays silent while I watch him clean his fingers. It makes me tingle all over, for some unexplainable reason, the need for him to touch me with those fingers growing by the second. 

"Yes, we should have done this sooner, but we kept getting too caught up to do it," Steve says as he walks into the room and stands by the edge of the bed with his arms crossed. 

I manage to tear my eyes away from Bucky's metal fingers to look over at Steve, and with a weak voice I ask, "What kind of things?" 

"Safeword." Bucky says flatly as he continues the work on his metal hand. 

I look over at him with furrowed brows, "Safeword? What does that mean?" 

"It means," Steve says as he watches me from the edge of the bed, "That we need to have a special word you can use in case we ever.. go too far." 

I swallow thickly as I mull his words over. Go too far. That sounds intimidating. What could they possibly do to me that they haven't already?

I stammer as I look up at Steve, "I-I don't have one, I've never used that before." 

"Then choose one," Bucky says as his gaze moves from his fingers to my face, "Make it a word you wouldn't use normally. And only use it when you've reached your absolute limit. Once you say it, everything stops." 

"But couldn't it just be 'Stop' then?" I ask as I try to focus on his face and not his fingers. 

"No," Bucky says, "Because with what I have planned for you tonight, you're going to ask me to stop plenty of times without you actually wanting for it to stop. It needs to be something else." 

My stomach flutters as he says it and I press my thighs together as I feel the excitement running through me. 

"O-okay, something I wouldn't normally say.. How about.. How about pineapple?" I ask, unsure, as I look between both of them. 

Steve smiles, "Pineapple works." 

Bucky nods, "Yes. Then it's agreed. If you say 'Pineapple', we'll stop everything instantly. But if you say anything else, like 'stop' or 'no', best believe we're not stopping. Only one word makes it happen. Understood?" 

I nod as I feel start to feel nervous. I have no idea what they have planned for me, why they feel like we suddenly need this. It makes me terrified and excited all at once. 

"Maddie," Steve says sternly, "Words." 

"Yes," I quickly say as I look up at him before moving my gaze to Bucky, "Yes, I understand." 

"Good," Bucky says with a smirk. He puts the cloth back down on the dresser before turning back to me, "Then let's get started." 

As soon as Bucky says it, Steve moves around the bed and yanks me by the ankle towards him. I yelp at the sudden movement, my heart pounding in my chest as I look up at him. 

He takes my hand, pulling me to stand in front of the both of them, before pulling me flush against his chest, kissing me hungrily. 

I moan into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as our tongues meet. 

He tastes like whiskey and smells like Steve, which makes me both excited and relaxed, all at the same time. 

As Steve kisses me I feel Bucky's wandering hands, moving down to undress me. 

He pulls the straps down over my shoulders and arms, and the silky material pools at my feet once he's got it undone. 

His hand runs down my back, his fingers tickling my skin, and I feel his lips kissing the back of my shoulder, slowly working his way up to my neck. 

When I feel two hands, one warm flesh and the other cold metal, sliding their way up from my hips to my waist, and then to cup my naked breasts, I mewl against Steve's lips. 

Bucky chuckles against my skin, "Doll, I'm going to make you regret ever wanting to rile me up like that," he licks the skin on my neck, "thought we agreed we wouldn't do that to each other anymore. I don't like it when my girlfriend deliberately tries to get my blood boiling." 

I whine when I feel his lips latching onto my neck, his teeth biting into the soft flesh there, as he leaves a possessive mark. 

Steve's hands move up to cup my cheek gently, his thumbs caressing me. "So sweet and innocent," he says as he pulls away a little, "At least, that's what everyone else thinks." 

He smirks as one hand moves up to my hair, and his smirk grows bigger when he tangles his fingers in it and yanks, forcing my face up higher to look at him, giving Bucky better access to my neck. 

"But you're not innocent at all, are you kitten?" Steve asks as he looks down at me, his eyes burning with desire, "You're actually our little slut, so horny and needy for your soldiers. Isn't that right?" 

"Yes," I whisper as I look up at him, my body tingling, "Yes, I'm yours and I'm needy for you. I just need you." 

"You have us," he says as he looks down at me, the sensation of one hand caressing my cheek gently as the other is pulling at my hair a mix between pain and pleasure. 

"And you're going to take what we give you," he says before his lips are back on mine. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now