Chapter 49: Get Out

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I wake up suddenly, my chest pounding. Another nightmare haunted me earlier tonight and I blink as I look around my room, remembering it. I didn't wake up from it this time but it's like I awoke and was reminded that it was there, lurking in my mind. 

It must be early in the morning because I can see the sun starting to rise through my drapes, the vague color of red and yellow enveloping my room. 

I shift slightly in bed as I try to get comfortable again.

That's when I feel a figure next to me. 

I turn my head quickly to the side and the sight is almost as dreadful as the nightmare itself.


He's sleeping next to me but this time, he's not holding me. His face is towards mine but he kept his hands to himself this time. 

I furrow my eyebrows at the sight. I don't remember him coming in here and I don't remember being woken up. I feel immediate anger as I see him. Why the fuck would he come in here after yesterday?  The audacity of this man is mind-boggling.  

I push his shoulder harshly and it wakes him up. 

"What the hell are you doing in my bed?" 

As he hears the tone in my voice, his face changes from sleepy to annoyed. 

"You were screaming again. Hard to sleep through. I went in here and I didn't even have to wake you up this time. It still worked. This was the only way I could get some decent sleep, princess." He says the last word with practical venom in his voice. 

"You can't just come in here. That's a total violation of my privacy, James." I say his name with the equal amount of venom in my voice that he just used on me. 

"Well what the hell was I supposed to do? I need sleep too, you know." 

I roll my eyes at him and move out of bed. 

"Get out.  You can't be in here! Steve could be coming back any minute. You don't think you did enough damage yesterday?!"

He gets up too and mirrors my tone, "Oh, I did the damage yesterday? Pretty sure it takes two to kiss like that, doll." 

"Don't call me that!" I yell, talking about the nickname he uses for me that Steve also uses occasionally. I like when Steve does it, and I used to like it when Bucky did too, but now it just reminds me of what happened yesterday. 

I feel the anger bubbling up inside me. Why is he trying to ruin what I have with Steve? He knows what he did and that itself was bad enough. 

"And stop acting like a child, James. Get out of my room. Now." 

He gives me a condescending smile, "Not if you're gonna go back to screaming and crying. Can't sleep through that shit." 

I narrow my eyes at him. "Fine, I'll leave then."

I move out of my room quickly, luckily in my pajamas this time. 

I go to the lounge area and move towards the couches when I hear Bucky's aggravated voice behind me. 

"What the hell is your problem, Madeline?!" 

"My problem?" I snort as I turn to face him, "My problem is you. You know I'm in love with Steve! Why the fuck are you doing this?!" 

"DOING WHAT? Helping you? Comforting you when you have nightmares and don't have Steve to rely on? What part of that is so wrong?" He practically yells back. 

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S WRONG ABOUT IT!" I scream at him, unable to stop myself. 

He didn't just help me or comfort me, he kissed me. 

He glares at me as I yell and I can tell he's getting angry again, just like yesterday. Guess he's not used to people yelling at him like this. Not used to people who aren't scared of him. 

He moves towards me but not as close as yesterday. Good. Keep your fucking distance, Barnes. 

"Alright. You're upset about the kiss. But it wasn't just me, we both did it. Please just act like a grown-up and admit it."

"YOU KISSED ME!" I yell back at him, aggravated. How dare he suggest that I had any part in this?

"Yes, and you kissed me back, Madeline. You liked it. You've wanted that to happen for just as long as I have, and don't you dare lie to me and say you haven't." 

I glare at him, "I never wanted this to happen, Bucky! In case you've forgotten, I'm in love with your best friend!"

I'm not just aggravated anymore, I'm angry. Angry that he would suggest I did this willingly, that I would betray Steve willingly, that I would willingly do something that I know will break his heart. 

He moves closer to me and grabs me by the chin as he stares into my eyes. 

"Tell me you didn't like it. Tell me right now and I'll believe it."

I'm caught off guard as he grabs me again. My mind flashes back to yesterday.. 

I can feel his hot breath against my face and I feel how he's staring into my soul, reading my mind, those steel blue eyes once again holding me captive. 

I hesitate with a reply and he nods with a smile. 

"Okay, good. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page."

I push his hand off my face as he says that. "Don't fucking do this to me, James," I whisper.

"Do what?" 

"This. Why are you doing this? Is my happiness a game to you?"

He exhales deeply as he watches me. "No, it's not a game to me." 

"THEN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" I yell back at him, frustrated and angry. Frustrated that he's playing with my emotions like this, angry that he's trying to get in between what Steve and I have. 

"You know why." 

 I furrow my eyebrows and just look at him for a while. His face turns emotional and vulnerable, and I suddenly understand what he's talking about. 

I remember what the girls told me a few days earlier. 

"I've seen how he looks at you." 

"I've noticed too, even saw it yesterday at the gym." 

Does he have actual feelings for me? 

He moves his hand to my cheek, caressing it lightly. 

"You can't tell me you don't feel the same way. You do. I know you do.." He trails off as he watches my expression.

My mouth is dry as I think of a response. What the hell is happening?

I don't know what to say or do, I don't know how I feel. Yes, I feel something. But I also know I love Steve. How did I get caught up in this mess?

As I open my mouth to speak, Bucky's hand still resting on my cheek, I hear the elevator ding. 

I look behind Bucky and exhale deeply as I see him.


Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now