Chapter 159: Squirm

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About an hour later, everyone is starting to get pretty drunk. 

Except for my two soldiers, who are still sitting on the couch, whispering to each other occasionally. 

Bucky is drinking whiskey as he watches me, and the expression on Steve's face stays stern. 

Shuri joined Nat and Wanda, and the three of them have been dancing with and up against me as they all got gradually more intoxicated. 

We've been dancing so much I'm sweating and panting, unable to keep up with their drunk shenanigans. 

"I need some air!" I yell to Nat over the music, as she dances with Shuri, and she just nods at me before turning back to her and Wanda. 

I walk off the floor and onto the balcony nearby, the cold evening air hitting me as soon as I walk out. 

I take a deep breath and it makes me feel a little better. I lean on the edge of the balcony as I look over the city, and I feel my breathing becoming steadier as I take deep breaths of the clean air. 

But it doesn't last for long. 

After a few minutes, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up instinctively. I look over my shoulder only to see Bucky and Steve standing by the door, both looking at me sternly. 

Steve walks towards me slowly, his face stern as he stares me down.

I'm frozen where I stand.

I have no idea how either of them are going to react right now. I remember the last time I angered them, I remember how they responded, but this time I did most of it on purpose.

Which makes it so much worse. 

But I didn't do it entirely myself. I danced with Thor on purpose, but Shuri and Nat were the ones feeding me shots... Well, except for the one I drank to provoke them. 

I glance at Bucky, his face set in stone as he stares intensely at me, his steel blue eyes keeping me in place. 

I look up at Steve as he corners me, trapping me between the balcony edge and himself, his ocean blue eyes holding me captive.

His hand goes to my cheek, caressing it softly as he speaks, "You knew that wasn't going to fly with us. Didn't you?"

I gulp and look up at him with wide eyes, nodding.

He chuckles, "You knew we were going to get upset - even angry - didn't you?"

I nod again, looking up at him, my eyes locked onto his.

His thumb moves gently on my cheek, tracing my skin softly as he chuckles, "And you chose to do it anyway."

I look down for a moment, tearing my eyes from his, biting my bottom lip as I nod again.

"That makes you a bad girl," he says softly.

"And you know what happens to bad girls?" Bucky says from where he's standing, leaning against the doorframe. 

I watch him expectantly, chewing on my bottom lip between my teeth harshly, because I know what's coming. And because it's equally as exciting as it is terrifying.

"They get punished," he says sternly, taking long strides towards me, until he's standing right in front of me, next to Steve.

I look between both of them innocently, "I didn't-I wasn't.. I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't mean to, what?" Steve asks, his tone demanding.

"Didn't mean to make us upset?" Bucky asks, his tone more soft as his fingers trail up and down my arm, "You didn't mean it?"

I look up at him, keeping my eyes on his, trying to plead with him, "No, exactly, I didn't mean it. I didn't do it on purpose. I promise."

Bucky smiles warmly at me, his fingers trailing my skin gently.

For a second I think it's working, that he's falling for my pleading. Even though I'm lying through my teeth right now.

But once his fingers reach my chin, grabbing it tightly and pulling it towards him, I realize I've read the situation entirely wrong.

"Oh, kitten," Bucky says with a chuckle, his fingers squeezing my cheeks as his hand holds onto my chin, "I would believe that, except I know you enjoy to watch us squirm. You like to rile us up. Thor was one thing, but then you went and made it so much worse. So you might as well own up to it and take your punishment."

His hand releases my face and I clench my thighs together instinctively, his words making my face flustered and my core heated, and I look to Steve with equally pleading eyes, realizing that Bucky is a lost cause.

"Please Stevie, I didn't mean to do anything wrong. You know I only love you two."

Steve chuckles, his hand going to my hip, caressing it softly, "I know, sweetheart. But I also know this is exactly the kind of thing you'd do to get punished."

He scans my face, "Do you want to get punished? You want it rough? Or do you want us to make soft, sweet love to you, pretend you're a good girl when we know you're not?"

I blush and and look down again, not giving him an answer.

Bucky's hand goes to the back of my neck quickly, his thumb resting beneath my jaw as he guides my face up, forcing me to look at them, "Your Captain asked you a question, prinţesă. You gonna answer it?"

"I'd like the first option," I mumble quietly, my cheeks completely flushed as I look up at them.

Steve smirks, "I don't remember what that was. Do you, Buck?"

Bucky shrugs, "Nope, don't recall."

"We're going to need you to tell us, sweetheart," Steve says as he pulls me closer to them, his arm wrapping around my waist. He looks down at me with a devilish smile before he growls, "Use your fucking words."

I swallow thickly, looking up at the both of them. They're both staring at me intensely, their eyes filled with lust, and it makes me crumble.

"I want it rough," I quietly say, "Want you to fuck me roughly. Want you to punish me."

Steve's chuckle is dark and deep as he says, "Of course you do. Such a good girl for us."

I squeal as Bucky suddenly picks me up, pulling my body over his shoulder. He walks through the door to the balcony and into the room, marching through it with his arm holding onto me tightly. 

Everyone is staring as he carries me through the room and I feel my cheeks flush before looking away, staring at the floor as I accept my fate. 

"Party's over," Steve says to the others as he follows us through the room, "We'll see you tomorrow." 

I only glance up once and the only thing I see is the smirk on Natasha's face, before I'm carried out the door and down the corridors to our room. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now