Chapter 98: Surprise!

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I'm standing around at the party, talking to Wanda, chatting casually. I watch Nat who is with Bruce, standing closely together, and I can see a flirty smile painting her lips. 

"They're adorable. Honestly, I'm so happy he finally got his shit together," I whisper to Wanda as I lean closer to her. 

She chuckles, "Yeah, that was a slow burn. Hopefully worth the wait." 

I nod with a smile as I take a sip of my drink. 

Wanda leans in closer to me, her eyes looking down, "Bucky keeps staring at you. He's not doing a very good job if his intention is to keep your whole thing a secret." 

I glance towards the bar and Wanda's right, Bucky's staring right at me. I see Steve next to him and he glances to me as well. I smile at them both quickly, and then Steve turns back to whisper something to Bucky. 

"Luckily, he's known to stare a lot. But you're right, he's not doing a good job of keeping the secret. But I don't know what to do," I whisper as I turn to her. 

"I mean, I get it," I say, "I understand why he's frustrated. I am too, to be honest. I wish I didn't have to worry about it so much. Being in love with two people. What the world might say. What my friends might say. I wish I could, you know, just be with them." 

Wanda offers me a soft smile, "I know Maddie. And I hope it all works out, for all of you." 

I smile at her as Nat walks up to us, "Hey girls." 

"Hi Nat, how's it going? I saw you getting real cozy with Big Green over there," I smirk at her.

She laughs, "Yes, very cozy. I'm having a good time. How's it going with you two?" 

"I'm good. Still waiting for Tony to reveal why he's actually throwing this party, though." 

"I know!" Wanda exclaims, "Like, come on! Does he seriously think we don't know somethings going on?" 

I laugh as I turn to her, "You know, you could always just.. read his mind." 

She shakes her head, "No, I don't like doing that without permission. It feels... Invasive. People's private thoughts should stay private." 

I smile, "You're right. I know I've personally appreciated you not using your powers on me, on several occasions." 

She smirks at me, "Yeah, I regret not doing it to you. If I'd just read your mind that day in the gym I wouldn't have had to stay mad at you for two months." 

I laugh and turn to Nat who's looking at me confused. 

I shrug, "When I first started.. you know.. feeling stuff, for Bucky, I had training with Wanda and she saw right through me. Remember when we went to lunch? The secret?" 

"Oh right!" Nat says, "So that was the secret?" 

I nod, "Yeah, it was. But we weren't together then. I was just having some very... confusing.. feelings." 

Realization washes over Nat's face, "That's why you acted like such a bitch when we mentioned it!" 

I laugh, "Thanks Nat! That's harsh!" 

Wanda laughs, "You were being very dramatic." 

I laugh even louder, "Okay maybe, but still. Harsh." 

As we all laugh we hear a mic turn on and Tony's voice booms through the room. 

"Hello, everyone! Welcome!" 

The music stops and we all turn to watch Tony who's standing in the middle of the room. Once it's quiet he continues, "I realize I've told you all different reasons for being here tonight. And I realize a lot of you are suspicious," he looks at me as he finishes his sentence. 

I chuckle at him and as he continues speaking, I feel an arm wrap around my waist. 

I look up to my left and see Steve standing close to me, his hand caressing me. I smile up at him and he reciprocates before turning his attention back to Tony. 

As I move my gaze from Steve, I feel a pair of cool metal knuckles brush against mine and I look to my right to see Bucky, smiling at me. I return his gentle touch and brush my fingers against his. 

"So tonight is not just a random party. There's actually a purpose for this." Tony's voice flows through the speakers and I smile as I watch him speak. 

"One is being our newest member. Most of you don't know her, so I thought tonight would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to her." 

I widen my eyes as I realize he's talking about me and as he walks to me, smiling, I want to die of embarrassment. 

"This is Madeline. She's our newest team member. She was gone for a while and now she's back, stronger than ever. Her and her powers will prove to be invaluable to the future of not only the Avengers, but the world." 

I blush at his words and I feel like hiding, turning my body towards Steve slightly. He looks down at me with a smile and his thumb caresses my waist gently, soothing me, but my cheeks are still burning red. 

As I lean further into Steve's body, Tony continues, "Oh, and she's also dating Cap. I'm less excited about that, but apparently she's into older guys." 

The room laughs and I shake my head with a smile at Tony. Douche. I look up at Steve and luckily he's amused, but I can sense he's also a tiny bit annoyed. 

Tony moves away from me, back to the center of the room, before he speaks again. "But, Madeline is not the only reason I wanted you all to come tonight. There's another very important reason for that." 

He turns around, looking at Pepper, reaching a hand out for her. She looks around, confused, but walks to him, taking his hand in hers. 

"Pep, we've known each other for a long time. You have been my rock for these past few crazy years, and I don't think I would be where I am today, if it wasn't for you. I love you more than anyone else I've ever met, and for some reason, you love me back. I know you've not always been happy about that part," he says with a smile and the crowd laughs, "But nonetheless, you haven't thrown me out yet. So, I have decided that I've pushed this off for long enough." 

He finishes his sentence and to everyones surprise, he bends down on one knee, dramatic gasps echoing from the party guests as he does. 

"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" 

I look at Pepper and she has tears in her eyes as she watches him, and once he pulls out a diamond ring, her hands go to her mouth, in shock. 

She nods ever so slightly before exclaiming, "Of course I will!" 

He moves up to her and pulls her in for a kiss, the entire room erupting in cheers and clapping. 

After Tony's announcement, and subsequent engagement to Pepper, the party changes. Everyone take turns congratulating them and the entire mood of the party is more vibrant. Everyone is excited, happy, and the temporary dance floor is quickly filled.

I pull Steve with me, his hand in mine, as I go to congratulate Tony and Pepper.

"Congratulations!" I say excitedly and Pepper gives me a wide smile as I pull her in for a hug.

Steve moves to Tony, a hand on his shoulder, before pulling him in for a hug. "Congratulations, Tony. That's great."

Once I'm out of Peppers embrace I go to Tony, hugging him tightly. 

"I'm so happy for you," I say as he reciprocates my tight hug. 

Once he pulls away he says, "Thanks, kid. And just so you know.. I have no hard feelings about you two. He seems to make you happy." He glances quickly to Steve, who's now talking to Pepper, and I smile.

"Thanks, Tony. I am. Truly."

"Good. Then that's all that matters." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now