Chapter 105: Ripples

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*Hi my lovelies! Today is my birthday so I might treat you with a few extra chapters to celebrate the occasion! We're getting a little emotional in this one.. We love a marshmallow Bucky!*


I wake up squished between Steve and Bucky. 

Both their bodies are radiating insane amounts of heat off of them and I feel hot and flustered as I wake up. 

Steve's body is behind me, his arm around my waist, holding me close, with his head buried in my neck. Bucky is nestled closely in front of me. His head is above mine as he holds me equally as close as Steve, my face close to his chest. Every time he exhales I feel his hot breath in my hair. 

I'm overheating and I have a pounding headache. When I try to shift slightly, I wince at the soreness I still feel. Nothing happened once we went to bed, although Bucky would have loved to, but my body was simply too wrecked to do anything. 

I shift out of their hold quietly and crawl to the end of the bed. Once I'm standing on the floor of my bedroom, I watch them silently. They're facing each other, both sleeping deeply, and my heart tugs. 

And then the guilt washes over me. We still haven't talked about Steve's reaction yesterday. But it's Sunday and I know none of us have anything important we need to do today. 

I go to the bathroom, turning on the water. I stand in front of the mirror as the water gets warm. I turn around slightly and look at the marks Steve left yesterday. Bucky was right - they did turn purple. My ass is covered in purple spots, clearly there because of how harshly Steve spanked me yesterday. 

I smile slightly. I don't mind being marked, especially like this, because it's like a secret we have between us. When I touch the area and I wince at the feeling I'm less excited though. Steve's strong, and the marks he left on me are still sore. It might be a while until they're gone. 

I'm not even thinking as I undress myself. It's like my mind is blank as I go to the tub and sink myself into the warm water, letting it envelop me. It quickly soothes my headache. I lean back, relishing in the feeling, and drift off for a while. 

I don't come back to reality until I feel a hand on my cheek. 

"Hey doll," Bucky whispers. 

He's crouching next to the tub as his eyes scan my face. His chest is bare, the dog tags hanging lazily around his neck. I sneak a glance at his naked torso and it brings excitement to my core. 

"Hi," I sigh contentedly, the feeling of the water keeping me calm. 

"How do you feel?" He asks cautiously. 

"I'm good Buck." My eyes meet his, "What's on your mind?"

He swallows thickly as his eyes quickly glance to my body, submerged in the clear water, before moving up to meet mine again. "I just worried.. You know, after what I saw yesterday.. You still okay with it?" 

I furrow my brows, "Yeah, of course Buck. I would never let anything happen that I didn't want." 

"I know," he replies, trailing off. He looks down as his fingers dip in the water, playing around a little and it makes ripples. Then he speaks again, "But I also know how you can be impulsive.. Like me. And how you might change your mind after the fact." 

I widen my eyes at him. He's clearly referencing the time that I spent the night with them and then left the next morning. 

"I won't do that again, Buck. I promised. Besides," I say with a soft smile, "It's Steve. I know him. I know he would never hurt me." 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now