Chapter 168: Reliving the Past

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Tony and I arrive at the base in our disguises and he quickly tells me where to go. 

"According to the plans I found in my fathers old stuff, Hank Pym has an office in the lower sector. You'll need to take the elevator down and find the office with his name on it, there should be some in there." 

I'm glancing around at the military base, a giant pit in my stomach. 

On one of the buildings, in big bold letters, is written "The Birthplace of Captain America." 

I know for a fact that Steve wasn't born here - he was born in Brooklyn in 1918 - but it doesn't say Steve Rogers anywhere. Everywhere I look, it only says "Captain America." 

Part of me feels angry at the thought that they chose to remember the soldier and not the man. Because the man who stole my heart is so much more than just Captain America. 

I say goodbye to Tony as I head towards the entrance of the building. 

Getting inside is not difficult, but I'm quickly confused as I walk into the hallways in search for the elevator. 

I try to look like I belong - the conservative skirt and blazer I'm wearing makes me fit right in with the other women I pass along the way - but I still need to pretend to know where I'm going. 

I finally find the elevator and exhale a sigh of relief as I press the button. To my surprise, the doors part immediately, and I step inside next to a woman wearing a similar suit to my own. 

"Going down?" She chirps. 

I nod curtly, my voice caught in my throat. I know for a fact I should try to converse as little as possible to not give myself away. 

She eyes me a little before asking, "You new around here? I don't think I've seen you before, I would have remembered that hair. It's beautiful." 

I curse myself inwardly for having bright red hair, before turning to her with a polite smile.

"Thank you. And yes, it's my first day here. I'm a little nervous." 

She gives me an earnest smile as she says, "No need to be nervous honey. What floor are you going to?" 

"The lowest one," I quickly say and I might have said it too fast, or maybe it's because I don't actually know the number of the floor, because she furrows her brows at my response, before pressing the button for me. 

Once we finally reach it, I step out quickly, wanting to get away as fast as possible, and I'm faintly aware of her yelling, "Hope you have a great first day!" as I walk away. 


I walk through the maze of hallways, looking for Hank Pym's office, with no luck. 

As I walk down yet another long hallway, I hear a familiar voice coming from around the corner.

"She didn't seem like she belonged, and I know for sure I've never seen her before," the female voice says, and when I spot two guards with the woman I met in the elevator earlier as they turn the corner, I quickly realize she must have gotten suspicious and notified them.

I go to the closest office and hurry through the door, immediately closing it behind me.

When I see their shadows passing through the matted glass in the door, I exhale a sigh of relief.

As I'm about to leave the office, I notice a picture sitting on the desk.

I hurry to it, and when I pick it up, my heart skips a beat.


I smile softly as I look at the picture, my fingertips gently touching it. 

It's Steve. 

But it's not Steve as I've known him, it's not Captain America, it's Steve from before he got the serum.

He looks so young. And sweet, innocent, beautiful.

It's my Steve. Just younger, not as tall, and skinnier. But without a doubt, my Stevie.

My heart aches as I look at the picture. All over this base I have seen nothing but 'Captain America' this and 'Captain America' that. 

But here he is, Steven Grant Rogers, my Stevie. 

Someone actually remembered him, and not just the hero he became. 

As I stare at the picture, I suddenly realize that someone in this office remembers Steve like this, remembers who he was before the serum. 

My blood runs cold and I feel a knot in my stomach as I slowly turn around, towards the door, and look at the name on the other side of it. It's backwards but I can still read it clearly.

Margaret Carter.

I feel my heart reach my throat as it pounds in my chest.

I'm in Peggy's office.

And then I hear voices on the other side of the window in the office, leading to a meeting room.

I peak through the blinds and I feel like I can't breathe.

There she is.

I watch as Peggy talks to a man. Her brown curly hair swings when she speaks and her hands are gesturing as she punctuates her words.

I look back down at the picture in my hand. She never forgot about him.

But she doesn't remember the hero, the man she remembers is not Captain America

The man she remembers, is Steve Rogers

I knew she still loved him, when I watched that documentary Wanda showed me after having been at the compound for only a few days, but I never thought..

I never thought it was Steve she loved. I never knew she loved the man he was before he became a hero. 

She has this picture on her desk even after all those years.

We're in the 70's, it's been more than 20 years since he went in the ice. And she still has this picture on her desk.

She loved him back when he was frail, and sick. Back when he couldn't get into the army. Back when he was Steve before the serum, before the glory. Back when he was just Steve, and nothing else. 

I've never known him like that. I've only known him since then, I've only loved him since then.

But she loved him, truly, fully, for the person he was and the person he became... 

My hands are shaking as I place the picture back on the desk.

She still loves him. Even after he's been dead for twenty years. 

She still loves Steven Grant Rogers. 

What if Steve had been the one to go back here? 

What if he had seen her?

What if he had known he could go back to her?

Would he? 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now