Chapter 133: The Truth

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Madeline goes to see Shuri while Bucky and I stay behind in our room. 

"I like the arm," I say as I look him over. 

He has a big smile on his face as he shows it off proudly, "Thanks. I like it too." 

I chuckle at his reaction. He looks like a kid who got exactly what he wanted for Christmas. 

"How are you feeling, pal?" He asks as he sits down next to me on the bed. 

I shrug in response. I don't know how I feel. 

"Did you talk to her?" He urges as I look at him. 

I shake my head, "No, not yet. I figured I shouldn't, until she's been to see Shuri again." 

He nods slowly, "Yeah, you're probably right.. Did she tell you about that thing in her neck?" 

I smile at him sheepishly, "No, we didn't really get to that part. I got a little distracted." 

He chuckles as he nudges my shoulder, "Yeah, I saw." 

I smile at him, "It's been a while since it's just been me and her. Did it bother you?" 

He shakes his head with a genuine smile, "No, not at all. I would have reacted differently if it did. And I was with her yesterday alone, as well.. In case you didn't know. Does that bother you?" 

I shake my head again, "No. I've learned to live with the fact that we need to share her equally." 

He furrows his brows at me, "You didn't feel that way before?" 

I sigh as my eyes meet his, "To be honest Buck, I didn't know how much you meant to her until we had that talk. i knew she had feelings, but once she told me she loved us equally, it all kind of sinked in." 

He nods, "Okay, that makes sense, I guess.. How do you feel about what she said? Or you know, didn't say?" 

I sigh again, deeper this time, "It hurts. But I'm giving her some time on this one. With everything going on, and with that thing in her neck, I have no idea what's her and what's Hydra at this point. I had no idea they were still affecting her." 

He bites his lip, "Yeah, me neither.. Are you worried her feelings are going to change once that's out of her system?" 

"I hope not," I say, hesitating. Then I chuckle, "It better not because I'm in it for the long haul." 

He returns my chuckle, "Me too, pal." 

I cock an eyebrow at him, "Yeah, well, technically you still need to get her to be your girlfriend before you can consider yourself on the same level as me." 

He pushes my shoulder with a laugh, "I'm working on it, punk."

"So, when? You've dragged this out way longer than you needed to," I say as I laugh a little. 

"I was thinking about doing it later today.. If she's up for it. I don't know what she's doing with Shuri." 

I raise my brows at him in surprise, "Today? Is everything planned out then?" 

He shrugs, "Yeah, pretty much. Do you mind? I mean, I love you pal, but I think I'm gonna have to do this one without you." 

I smile softly, "I'm okay with that. Have your moment. As long as you bring her back to me afterwards." 

He shakes his head with a laugh at me, "Okay, I promise. I'll bring her back to our room afterwards." 

"Good boy," I jokingly reply as I pat his shoulder and he laughs loudly in response. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now