Chapter 56: Power

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The boys and I all get out of bed to get ready for training. 

Bucky is careful as he sneaks out of my room. We need to be careful with this, if we want to keep it a secret for longer than a few days. He kisses me goodbye before he leaves and he holds me close as he scans my face. 

"What?" I say with a chuckle as he just stands there, his hand on my neck as he looks at me. 

"Just needed to relish in the moment. I won't get to do this again for a few hours." 

I blush at his words and he pulls me in for a long, tender kiss. 


I'm at the gym with Wanda and Thor, and Steve and Bucky are both training in the ring. 

"I need to show you guys something I found out while you were away." I say as I look to Wanda and Thor. 

Thor nods silently and Wanda moves out of the way a little, giving me more space on the training floor. 

I spot Bucky and Steve in the ring and make eye contact with Bucky. He pats Steve on the shoulder and says something, and then they both move closer to watch me. I expect it's because Bucky has an idea of what's about to happen. 

As I stand on the training floor and take a deep breath Tony walks in. I look quickly at him and he moves up next to Wanda. 

"Wanted to see how you were progressing. It's been a while since I showed up to a session." 

I laugh, "Yeah, it has. Well, sit tight, I think you're gonna like this." 

He crosses his arms as he watches from the sidelines with Wanda and Thor. 

I take a stance on the floor and take a deep breath before I close my eyes. I think back to the vision, then to the fight I had with Bucky. Then I remember the feelings I had when I thought I was going to lose Steve. And finally, I think about last night. 

I feel the energy enveloping me like a glove and I hear Wanda gasp. 

As I open my eyes I see myself moving upwards and I glance down at my hands. The now-familiar glow is around them. 

I move my arms about a bit, just like I did the other day, and it makes me move around the air swiftly. 

I move my gaze to a mat on the floor and in one quick motion, I launch an energy attack towards it, effectively shattering it to pieces. 

I look from Thor to Wanda who are both shocked by what they're seeing, and then look to Tony. He looks worried as he watches me, most likely concerned that I'll hurt myself. 

As I look to Bucky and Steve, they're both watching me intensely, probably waiting for me to drop from the sky like the other times. 

But I don't. 

Instead I manage to move myself downwards slowly before landing on my feet. 

I look to Wanda and flash her a big grin and she walks to me quickly. 

"What on earth was that Maddie?" 

Steve and Bucky both move to my side and Steve puts an arm around my waist, pulling me close to his hip as he looks down at me. "You okay?" 

I nod as I look up at him and then turn my attention to Wanda. "You like it? Found out about this while you guys were away." I'm still grinning from ear to ear. 

"Do I like it? Yeah, I like it. That's going to come in handy," she replies with a chuckle. 

Thor looks me up and down, "That was impressive Madeline. Well done. You're progressing quickly." 

I'm still smiling broadly as I turn my gaze to Tony. He's still standing in the same spot he was when he was watching me, the only one who didn't move closer to me as I landed on the ground. 

He looks worried, concerned, and I furrow my eyebrows at him. "You alright Tony?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I just.. I feel like I've seen that before, somewhere." 

Before I can ask him any questions I feel Bucky's hand brush against mine and my stomach flutters. I look at him and he's smiling at me softly. 

"Well done," he says quietly. 

Electric / Steve Rogers x OC x Bucky Barnes ✓Where stories live. Discover now